Each political note has its own anchor in case you want to link to it.
My intention is to make links only to publicly accessible, stable URLs. If you find a link to a page that requires subscription, please report that as you would report any other broken link.
Congress reports that the Bush regime is blowing hot air when it talks
about training Iraqi troops to fight for Bush.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
What the report does not question is the basic assumption that Iraqis ought to fight for a conquering foreign empire.
After the Yes Men hoaxed ExxonMobile, the company struck back--shutting off their internet service. They could only get back partial service by deleting this hoax, and deleting all mention of Exxon. They are now seeking another ISP.
Such intimidation gives major corporations the effective power of censorship over the Internet.
Amy Goodman interviews
Michael Moore about SiCKO.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The inspiration came when NBC's censors changed the outcome of his "Health Care Olympics" between the US, Canada and Cuba, because "Cuba is not allowed to win".
Four years after the looting of the National Museum of Iraq, the Bushmen have started trying to examine and preserve some of the country's archeological sites, many of which have themselves been ruined by looting.
NASA's Earth science budget is down 30% since 2000. Key satellites that are
aging have no planned replacements.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Bush has already said he wants to make sure his successor cannot end the occupation of Iraq. Maybe he is trying to make sure his successor cannot do anything about global warming, either.
China is already the
principal producer of CO2 emissions.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
San Diego is starting to think about what rising seas will do to low-lying
real estate and buildings. But awareness that beachfront property will be
inundated is just starting to sink in.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
no longer prime minister of the UK, will try to
negotiate peace between Palestine and Israel.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Given his slavish obedience to Bush, the Palestinians will not regard him as anything but a tool.
The president of Mexico, despite his bad politics in general, is
trying to fight police corruption caused by drug trafficking.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The root cause of this problem is the high drug prices caused by prohibition, and the only solution is to end prohibition. Addictive drugs such as heroin and cocaine should be made available to addicts in doctors' offices, as in the Netherlands.
Iran has begun
rationing of gasoline.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Rationing may not be the best way to do it, but higher gasoline prices are essential for conservation -- in Iran as in the US. Some European countries have prices over 6 dollars per gallon due to their taxes; before recent price increases, it was 4 dollars per gallon. Over the years, this leads to building society's infrastructure so that people use less gasoline.
The Senate has issued a subpoena for documents pertaining to Bush's
decision to carry out illegal surveillance.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The medical industry is launching an organized PR effort to counter the film SiCKO.
Uri Avnery: splitting Gaza and the West bank is a strategy that Israel has practiced for many years. The probable effect will be to cost Fatah and Abbas their remaining support.
Blackstone and Capital's Scam.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Where will Iraq, its refugees go next?
Senator Gravel writes, "Why Hillary Scares Me".
US and Afghan troops tied a prisoner to a jeep and threatened to drag him (to death) if he didn't talk.
These are not isolated instances. We know that the practice of abusing (i.e. torturing) prisoners was promoted from the very top.
Will Bush use the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to push for a troop increase in Iraq?
There is the Big Brother-- Workplace Control and Workforce Surveillance.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Kasparov is effective as a dissident in Russia, criticizing Putin's assault on democracy. However, outside of that, his politics are those of a neocon.
Support the Confederation of Immokalee Workers in pressuring Burger King
to give farm workers decent treatment.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens: contact your congresscritter and senators to
support low-power FM radio.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
An undercover journalist reports on how lobbyists (usually former government staff) corrupt politicians, academia and the press to whitewash evil governments.
UN support for the occupation of Iraq has cast suspicion over the UN,
costing it the ability to act in other parts of the world.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
A Washington woman says her cell-phone is being cracked remotely, and used
to spy on her and to send threats.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
This is one reason why the software in cell phones must be free software. If you use non-free software, the developer controls it and you don't.
Congress is investigating the practices of government agencies' inspectors
general. As part of Bush's War on Integrity, they have been politicized and
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Cheney twists the law to keep secrets without following legal rules about government secrets.
Canada is considering a law to subordinate its government policies to the US, and to allow US companies to sue to overturn any regulations that get in their way.
The Bush forces have begun to label the Iraqi resistance as "Al Qa'ida".
Just as Bush tried to tie Saddam Hussein to Al Qa'ida before the invasion, now
he wants to tie present-day Iraqi opposition to Al Qa'ida. It's a
crude scheme to manipulate Americans' hatred.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Bush's spokesman says that killing a million Iraqis is ok because Saddam Hussein did the same sort of thing.
Saddam did kill many Iraqis, but he wasn't killing a lot of them in 2003.
Karl Rove told the Interior Department to change policy so as to get a
Republican senator re-elected. This appears to be illegal.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens:
call your congresscritter to support HR 1246, which calls for the US
military to end discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
It is not a good thing for the US military to be strong, since their strength would serve for aggression. However, the recruiting crisis brought about by the occupation of Iraq could be a good opportunity to repeal this bigoted policy.
How Donald Rumsfeld and Ronald Reagan corrupted the FDA to approve aspartame, overcoming a previous rejection due to evidence it might be dangerous to health.
Whether aspartame is indeed dangerous is an unsettled question.
Mahmoud Abbas is trying to use the sudden influx of foreign support to
demand negotiations for a real peace agreement.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
A review of SiCKO, Michael Moore's latest film.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Part II.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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Al Gore's event to raise climate change awareness is being seized on by corporate greenwashers.
Cheney says his office is not part of the executive branch, so laws about
it don't apply to him.
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Next he will say he's really on a different planet so Earthly law doesn't apply to him.
Tax resisters in New Hampshire vow to die rather than surrender to the
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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There are many things that the state ought to provide, such as roads, medical care, sewage disposal and treatment, inspection and enforcement of health standards, etc., and this needs money; a progressive income tax that falls most heavily on the rich is the fairest way to collect it. In a state that spent its money on these things, I would not sympathize with tax resisters.
However, it is hard for me to criticize people that refuse to hand over their money for wars of conquest, kidnapping, imprisonment without trial, and torture.
Giuliani's favorite vulture makes big profits from US debt that is going to be "forgiven" to poor countries.
Senators demanded a Justice Dept. investigation Into Tim Griffin's voter-suppression.
As former prosecutor Tim Griffin is investigated for caging voters, a path towards inculpating Karl Rove is starting to open up.
The FBI may have let Osama bin Laden charter a plane in the US after 9/11.
China has developed
execution vans to make executions more efficient.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
They take organs from the cadavers and sell them for transplantation. You can read about it
here and
[References updated on 2018-04-19 because the
were broken.]
The practice of executing people to collect organs was predicted in Larry Niven's stories in the 60s, except that those stories envisioned it in the US and done with popular support from people who thought they might someday need transplants.
Shin Dong Hyok has escaped, at age 22, from the North Korean political
prison camp in which
was born and lived his whole life.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
North Korea provides an example of how sometimes one must work with even the most brutal dictators. Ending the North Korean nuclear program is very important, and I think it is justified for the US to cooperate with North Korea towards that end, even though that means tolerating the regime's atrocities.
But would the US care about those atrocities even this overriding concern were not present? The Bush regime doesn't imprison babies as far as I know -- well, perhaps occasionally as hostages -- and it may never have done anything as heinous as what was done to Mr Shin. But it does things in the same spirit, and the result is to disqualify the US today from being taken seriously in any moral criticism of other countries' atrocities.
The murderous and intolerant side of Islam showed itself again after
Salman Rushdie was knighted by the UK. Protestors called for
him, and so did a minister in the Pakistani government.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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No one has an inherent right to an honor such as a knighthood, and if a writer's work expressed hatred towards people who hold a certain view on religion, whether it be Muslims or Christians or Atheists, I would urge governments and others not to give awards to that writer.
I have not read The Satanic Verses, but according to descriptions I have read, it does nothing of the kind. It does not condemn Muslims, or Islam. Rather, a character has a strange dream into which Mohammed enters. This is what the fanatical Muslims condemn. When intolerant Muslims think that everyone in the world should be forced to bow down to their religion, they deserve a firm and unwavering rebuke.
Furthermore, we should take the initiative in this debate, by pointing out that many Muslim countries do not respect other views on religion even to the point of permitting people to adopt them.
Causes for the Palestinian Factional War.
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The US foreign service is destroying itself by
suspending security
clearances based on the vaguest of suspicions.
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link was broken.]
Bush's War
on Integrity has spread to NASA.
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I doubt that Bush specifically asked for this, or for the mismanagement of NASA. But it comes out of the general climate of corruption that Bush has established.
Instead of managing NASA, the Bush administration's priority is to
the employees more.
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link was broken.]
Despite protection of the forests where the endangered spotted owl lives,
the species continues to decline. For the Bush regime, that suggests
down some of those forests.
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link was broken.]
Exporting industry to China
its CO2 output
even as it reduced workers wages.
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link was broken.]
Man-made soot contributes to
of the Arctic, just by
making the snow dirty. Thus, the soot and the CO2 add together
to create danger of melting icecaps.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
A report summarizes how the Bush forces are destroying Iraq.
A man who put a note saying
Hawley Is An Idiot"
(that's the head of the TSA) on his plastic bag of liquids
was treated like a criminal by the TSA.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
This was, in effect, perfect proof that the TSA attacks those who criticize it, even in the total absence of any legitimate reason to do so.
The TSA's response to subsequent inquiries followed the standard dishonest rule of unjust government: admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-allegations.
Mugabe, effectively dictator of Zimbabwe, plans to authorize universal
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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Sounds like Bush.
The creation of the Department of Homeland Security made the US
to alien insect agricultural pests that can destroy architecture.
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link was broken.]
The Italian government is trying to
the case against the CIA
and Italian kidnappers of Abu Omar.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Aung San Suu Kyi, elected president of Burma,
been in prison for
over 11 years.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
General Taguba, who was in charge of the investigation of
torture in
Abu Ghraib prison, said that he was ordered not to investigate
the role of higher-ups who authorized it.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Leading climate scientists predict disaster for civilization if CO2 production is not checked within the next decade.
More information
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link was broken.]
A wave of phony
democracy has spread through the Arab world,
carrying with it disillusionment with the idea of democracy.
The only opposition Arabs consider sincere is Islamist.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The democratic system of the US is pretty phony too.
California is considering bills to limit use of RFIDs.
These bills do not go far enough. It should be illegal to put an RFID in any product unless its main purpose is for the purchaser to identify herself, and any RFID in packaging should be clearly marked.
US citizens: write or phone your congresscritter to support the amendment to protect users of medical marijuana. This amendment would prohibit the DEA from spending any money to target them in states where that use is lawful.
Putin is guilty, as far as I can tell, of suppressing political opposition and the independent press. I certainly do not support him. However, what he says and does in dealing with Bush is right on.
Russian journalist was shot by an unknown assailant.
The journalist wasn't killed, because the gun had a rubber bullet.
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link was broken.]
I guess this was meant as a warning to stop investigating.
Karl Rove is being investigated for violating the Presidential Records Act by deleting emails. The Bush campaign organization refuses to cooperate with the investigation, which in itself shows what Bush supporters are made of.
The people who did this may have committed crimes. In addition, since this law makes the president personally responsible for assuring compliance, he shares in the personal responsibility for the deliberate circumvention of the law.
This alone would be enough reason to impeach him, but since Congress has closed its eyes to so many bigger reasons already, I don't suppose it will do so.
Democracy in Palestine
formally suppressed as President Abbas
instituted an "emergency government", setting aside the elected Hamas
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Israel and the US have been trying to put an end to democracy in Palestine ever since the Palestinians didn't vote the way they were supposed to.
The Yes Men, posing as representatives of ExxonMobile, presented a plan to make petroleum out of corpses after coming environmental disasters.
Remember, "xx" is not pronounced like "x". It is pronounced like the "ch" in German "ach". Thus, the first syllable of "Exxon" sounds like an expression of disgust.
Rumsfeld and others
lied to Congress when they denied knowledge of
torture in Abu Ghraib, says General Taguba.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Isn't it a crime to lie when testifying to Congress?
Coca Cola is using
vague promises of an ILO investigation in Colombia
to convince universities to quash the achievements of student
campaigns. The ILO is accused of not being independent of the
company, and the investigation may not really be occurring at all.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Microsoft is
making a sneak attack on election law in New York State.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Now that Bush has decided that Al Qassim is innocent of the charges
for which he was imprisoned in Guantanamo for years, the US
wants to
transfer him to a prison in Libya. He is fighting this because he
thinks the Libyan prison could be worse.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The US has a long history of crushing democracy in the Middle East.
This article doesn't even mention the many Arab dictators that the US has supported and continues to support.
During the cold war, the argument was made that the US could not afford to be choosy about allies against the Soviet Union. That might have justified working in some ways with some dictators that were already established, but it couldn't possibly justify installing a dictator in place of a democracy as in Iran.
Hundreds of thousands
again in Oaxaca, and rebuilt the
barricades of last year.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
a review of the history of a year of protest in Oaxaca -- how
the police attacked the protest, and how later protestors (and mere
bystanders) have been tortured in prison.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Chiquita Banana
guilty to using death squads in Colombia to kill
union organizers. Now the victims' families are suing the company.
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link was broken.]
US military chaplains
published antisemitic lesson plans.
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link was broken.]
Eric Montanez was arrested in Orlando...for giving away food to homeless people.
Orlando's policy reflects the essential cruelty of a political system that puts business profit above human well-being.
Robert Fisk: Palestine --
coup d'etat by an elected government.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
A UN report criticizes the UK's movement towards a police state.
Bush is
against a Congressional proposal to protect reporters
(including even bloggers) from revealing confidential sources.
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This from an administration constantly involved in covering up crimes.
Gonzales is being investigated for obstruction of justice.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The US bullied Berkeley High School into helping army recruiters get
access to its students. But
school continues to resist: it made
sure that every student and every parent considered the possibility of
opting out. 90% of the students have opted out already.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Every high school in the US should do the same. US military recruiters are known to lie frequently, and those recruited nowadays are more likely to serve in wars of aggression than to "serve their country" in any way.
Uri Avnery confirms that the US and Israel were directly involved in provoking the fighting in Gaza between Hamas and Fatah.
and Fatah are now openly at war. Hamas has captured Gaza,while
in the West Bank, Fatah has arrested members of Hamas.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
This article claims that the US directly arranged the violence through Palestinians it supports.
I don't know whether the facts stated there are accurate. In any case, it seems that the blockade by Israel the US helped bring this about. However, Palestinians can't escape their share of the blame.
warming has enabled mountain pine beetles to spread northward and upward,
attacking other species of pine trees, which could be
wiped out.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
If the white pine high in the mountains are killed, that will exacerbate the water shortage that the West is going to face due to other effects of global warming.
If Jamil el-Banna is released from Guantanamo, the UK plans not to
let him return, on the grounds he has "been away too long". Instead,
may be sent to Jordan where he faces torture or death.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
B'liar, on TV, still
that his war is not unpopular.
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His motto seems to be, "The show must go on."
A Pentagon
report shows Bush's troop increase in Iraq has not achieved its goal.
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link was broken.]
It is absurd to blame al Maliki personally for failing to reconcile Iraq's ethnic groups and sects. Under Bush occupation, that task is essentially impossible. So he is being used as a fall guy. Well, if that leads to ending the war, that is ok. With his participation in the Iraqi government, he is hardly innocent.
I suspect that the "promises" referred to in the article include the planned passage of a law to hand over Iraq's oil to Western oil companies, presumably owned by Bush cronies. The Iraqi parliament has been working on this law for months or years. I wonder if it is doing this the way Penelope made her wedding dress.
The Somali "interim government" has been
to establish control despite Ethiopian and US military support.
As a result, the country is in chaos, making some Somalis yearn for
the days of the Islamic Courts, which were the only force able to
restore order.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The Ethiopian intervention was supposed to last a short time, but it is becoming permanent (as I predicted).
Somalia faces a very sad choice: between violent chaos and cruel, unjust Islamic law.
series of murders of members of the Lebanese Parliament seems to be due to Syria,
since all the victims are supporters of the pro-American
prime minister.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Almost 1/3 of the shareholders of ExxonMobile
for a resolution calling on the company to work to reduce CO2 emissions.
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Even though it didn't pass, it may pass next year. It also could lead the management to start thinking; if anything can do that.
The House of Lords has made a final decision that
held by British units in the Bush forces are covered by
the Human Rights Act.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Since the government advised soldiers to disregard that law, it now faces an investigation that may blow the lid of part of B'liar's malice and cruelty.
Peak oil -- the plausible theory that a scarcity of petroleum
will drive prices way up starting a few years from now -- has
hit mainstream news.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Sudan has agreed to a larger military force
prevent violence in Darfur.
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link was broken.]
A secret UN report sees no prospects for peace between Israel and Palestine. It blames Israel for rejecting peace, the Palestinian Authority for being unable to stop attacks on Israel (never mind that these are not very dangerous nowadays), and the great powers for imposing sanctions against the Palestinians after they voted for Hamas.
A Bush regime spin machine has been saying that Iran
supports the Taliban.
Pentagon now says it isn't true at all.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The FBI's
"terrorist watch list" has over half a million names on it, making
it a cause of pointless harassment and useless for any legitimate purpose.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
In Iraq, a Sunni
mosque and a Shi'ite mosque were attacked.
Muqtada al Sadr called on Iraqis to unite and not fight each other.
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link was broken.]
US citizens: call on your senator to say: send Scooter Libby to Guantanamo to serve his sentence, or shut it down.
In Helmand province,
for women is no better than when the Taliban
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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The Islamic extremists are already fighting a war against women. I think that Afghan women should start fighting back with guns. Rather than waiting to be shot, they should take the initiative. Burkhas should make it easy to get in position for a surprise attack. They will also make it impossible to identify who the attackers were, once they have gone.
Bush plans to cut down on satellites to measure Earth's climate.
One way or another, he's determined to prevent conservation.
Spewing sulfur into the upper atmosphere can prevent global warming cheaply.
But it can't prevent the droughts which CO2 is also causing, in places such as the US.
warfare has broken out in Gaza between Hamas and Fatah.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
A true follower of Bush,
attacked the media for not giving
him a free pass.
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link was broken.]
Putin has
allowed some opposition protests to occur.
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He probably has realized that crushing small protests is not worth the criticism it brings. Having brought the media under control by assassination, he can get away with lies even if protestors point out the truth. It works for Bush in the US, where the mainstream media, without assassination of their reporters, are nearly as subservient.
The Italian
trial of Abu Omar's kidnappers (US and Italian secret
agents) has begun, but Abu Omar cannot testify. Both Egypt and Italy have
prevented him from going to the trial.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Professor Norman Finkelstein was offered tenure by DePaul University,
then the university changed its mind because of a campaign
against his political views that criticize Israel.
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link was broken.]
I am told that more info can be found in www.normanfinkelstein.com, but I have not seen that site.
Chinese law labels
many activities "state secrets",
which is often the excuse to sentence political critics to prison.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The US under Bush is following a similar path of secrecy, though it has not gone as far.
MacDonald's is trying to whitewash its image by inviting mothers to visit farms that grow ingredients.
Visiting a farm of MacDonald's' choice won't give them any real information. City folk like me, visiting a farm, don't know how to tell whether the farm's food is good to eat. But suppose it is: so what? Even a thorough study of farms that grow the wheat or lettuce, or potatoes and cattle, will have nothing to say about whether burgers make people fat.
But these mothers, given a free vacation and seeing something that looks nice, will have every reason to convince themselves that they have seen proof that MacDonald's food is good.
When Banaz Mahmod told police that her father wanted to kill her (for
having a boyfriend), the UK police did not believe her. Now her
father has
been convicted of murder.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Professor Colin Green explains the experiences in Palestine that led him to support an academic boycott of Israel. His union voted to start a year-long debate on the question. He says that Palestinians are enthusiastic about the debate, while Israel's supporters are angry that the idea is even considered.
Illegal logging in Indonesia
wipe out orangutans in the wild in 10 years,
along with the forests they live in.
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link was broken.]
This is where the robot police airplanes ought to be used.
UK police are adapting
drone aircraft to watch streets.
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link was broken.]
If they were only looking for ordinary criminals, I wouldn't mind this. But their focus is to catch people who do things that are slightly annoying -- as well as political opposition, of course.
The Bush forces
they are arming some Iraqi resistance groups,
hoping they will fight Al Qa'ida.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
I am a bit suspicious of this, because I thought there were lots of arms in Iraq. Meanwhile, the description of "negotiating" by arresting the other party's negotiators strikes me as negotiating in bad faith. Just like the Bush forces to arrest people who come out under a flag of truce.
Democrats in Congress are supporting abstinence-only antisex education, as part of a deal with the worst Republicans.
Pizza Hut fired the worker who reported mice to the health department.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Brian D. Kelly faces the threat of 7 years in prison for making an audio/video recording of a policeman who had pulled over a car. He's not the only one who has met with such threats in the US.
It is natural that police would want to stop citizens from recording what they do -- because mere eyewitness testimony isn't enough to get them convicted.
The median income of American families has declined since Bush stole the
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The sectarian war in Iraq is getting worse despite Bush's increase in troops,
Iraqis are still fleeing, if they can find a place to flee to. 4.2
million are now refugees.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
A jury in the UK found two protestors not guilty for trying to damage a US
B52 bomber. It accepted their argument that they were trying to prevent a
bigger crime, which was to be committed using that bomber.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
US and Iran have captured some of each others citizens,
making accusations of spying and intervention which might or
might not be fabricated.
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link was broken.]
Musharraf met with a partial setback in his
to gag the media
in Pakistan.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
of the US is suffering from a severe drought; in the West, this
drought has lasted for many years. It is probably due to global warming,
which is expected to make it get worse and worse.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The company building the US Embassy in Iraq has been accused of bringing in employees against their will. You can read about it here.
The "War on Drugs" continues ruining lives in the US. Bernie Ellis,
who grew marijuana to treat an uncurable chronic illness, has avoided
imprisonment due to tremendous community support.
Now he faces
confiscation of his home.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
It must be even worse for James Burton, who is presumably going blind in prison because he can't grow pot there.
It is interesting to compare forfeiture (government seizure of assets, labeled as a punishment) in this with the case of the company that collects TV license payments in the UK. In both cases, punishments have been increased so as to collect more money. In one case, a company does it; in the other, a government agency does it; but what they do is the same.
However, most government agencies don't have a motivation to act this way. That's because the usual government agency is not terribly interested in collecting more money for the general treasury. That won't give the agency more money to spend.
The fact that forfeited assets directly enrich the police agency that collects them creates a special situation where there is an incentive for abuse. The point here is that privatization of collections can create the same special situation, and the same risk.
When Bush admitted using secret prisons, he said they had been closed.
But he
appears to have been lying, as usual. Human Rights Watch
reports on 39 people that the US appears to have disappeared.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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In some cases the US taken young children hostage, and reportedly tortured them too.
Musharraf seems helpless against spreading Islamic fundamentalism
in Pakistan. You can read about it in
this web page.
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link was broken.]
Hank Silver, an American Jew who helped build Israel in its early days,
went there again to observe the occupation of Palestine.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The Hebrew University appointed a former head of the security service as
its director of external relations, despite a petition signed by many
professors saying that this would contradict the humanistic mission and values
of the university.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Academics in other countries have already proposed a boycott of cooperation with Israeli universities, and there is an argument about whether it is right to have such a boycott. This appointment will strengthen the argument in favor.
An Israeli argues that
the fundamental reason for various boycotts of Israel is that it is not a
democracy. It rules millions of Palestinians, who are not allowed to vote to
control the policies under which they are ruled.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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Another Israeli recognizes the legitimacy of the boycott.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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The Jews of Israel don't have to admit the Palestinians as voting citizens of Israel. But they must respect the Palestinians' right to be voting citizens of a sovereign, democratic state: if not Israel, then Palestine.
Blackwater is suing the families of four mercenaries who were killed in Iraq. These families want information about how their relatives were killed, information that might embarrass Blackwater. The company now aims to both bankrupt them and gag them.
While fighting in in Iraq, these mercenaries were participating in an unjust occupation. They were helping Blackwater do Bush's dirty work--something that I would guess their families refuse to recognize. However, that is no excuse for what Blackwater is doing to those families today. Following Cindy Sheehan's path, their personal loss is leading them into opposition to the empire. I hope they will not crack as she did.
The resolution to impeach Cheney now has seven sponsors.
That they are so few is a measure of the cowardice of Congressional Democrats.
US presidential candidates get away with lies in the debates, because the
mainstream media don't comment on the truth of what they say.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
In the spirit of Krugman's point, we should note that Dubya did not get within "chad-and-butterfly range" of winning the 2000 election. As Greg Palast discovered and published, Katherine Harris stole the election for Bush by disenfranchising tens of thousands of Black voters in Florida.
Krugman doubts that the US can survive four more years of Bush-quality leadership. I don't think that the US has survived 6 years of leadership with Dubya's level of patriotism. The US is not a collection of people, nor its physical infrastructure. The US is a system of government based on human rights. When Bush crushed basic human rights, with the support of most Democrats in Congress, he destroyed the US. The question now is whether the US can be resurrected.
I see little hope for it. The Republican candidates gloat about the destruction of human rights, while the Democratic candidates -- aside from Kucinich -- pay little attention to the question.
freedom vs fundamentalism.
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China has evicted over a million residents of Beijing to demolish their homes for the Olympics. They have to move to distant slum suburbs, from which it is expensive to get to work.
In the US, gentrification does the same thing, but more slowly. It would be acceptable if there were adequate housing for poor working people.
Uri Avnery:
40 years as an occupying power have corrupted Israeli society and
government, and made violence normal.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The law allowing members of parliament to be expelled for criticizing cabinet ministers or army commanders will effectively abolish the representation of Israeli Arabs -- and anyone that seriously wants peace. Their representatives will either gag themselves, becoming ineffective, or be expelled.
This review of Satanic Purses: Money, Myth and Misinformation, by R.T. Naylor, makes me want to read a copy.
US citizens: phone your congresscoward and say, "Support resolution 333 to impeach Cheney! He's a criminal, and you have a responsibility to recognize this by launching his prosecution."
One of Mugabe's conscripted torturers has escaped, and
explains how the system is organized for atrocities.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
B'liar endorsed South African President Mbeki's gentle approach to
Mugabe's tyranny. (Mbeki has blocked most sorts of action against Mugabe for
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
It is interesting to contrast the attitude of B'liar and Bush toward Mugabe with their attitude towards Saddam Hussein. Hussein's past atrocities were used as the excuse for a war of conquest, but Mugabe's present and increasing atrocities get only verbal criticism -- and now, not even that.
Bush wants to pardon Libby,
faces pressure from Republicans not to do so.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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We need a constitutional amendment that would deny the president the power to pardon crimes that relate to working closely with high government officials. I suggest that pardons for such crimes be possible only for a president who took office at least 3 years after the end of the administration that the crime was connected with.
Here's a way to educate the public about what global warming can do: erect poles in coastal cities, showing heights above sea level. Each pole could be graduated in meters, with a big label "If Greenland Melts" on a line at the appropriate height (around 6 meters above current sea level).
The IWW is organizing workers at Starbucks, which treats them worse than Wal Mart.
Due to overfishing,
are proliferating in the Mediterranean and
regularly invade Spanish beaches.
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link was broken.]
The drought that exacerbates this problem is likely to get more severe and more frequent in the future, due to global warming.
An Israeli court
hearing a Palestinian challenge to practices
that exclude Palestinians from a road running through the West Bank.
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Restrictions like these have divided the West Bank into small enclaves, making it difficult to travel between them.
Bush continues
to oppose meaningful action against climate change.
At the G8 summit, he committed only to "consider" taking steps.
We can imagine the result this consideration will reach.
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Thus, B'liar's claim to have influence over Bush
once again shown false.
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There is a time in diplomacy for patience, but there is also a time for pressure and denunciation, and this is it. Other countries must tell the truth about the Bush regime: that its policy is driving the Earth to disaster.
While the G8 summit didn't achieve much good,
protests against the
meeting were very effective.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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Is inundating another country an act of war? If so, countries whose coastal regions face inundation (if Greenland or Antarctica melts) could justify a preemptive attack on US and Chinese fossil fuel power plants, oil refineries, coal mines, and other CO2-emitting facilities, in the name of simple self-protection.
Taking the absurdity of software patents to its insane logical extreme, a new company's business plan is to patent security fixes.
Mainstream Australian media companies
the government of endangering the freedom of the press,
and of practicing too much
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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US citizens: sign
the petition demanding no pardon for Libby.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens: sign
the petition against the US plan for liquid coal, which would increase CO2 emissions.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The arms trade from the UK to Saudi Arabia involves payment of bribes to a Saudi prince, authorized by the UK government.
B'liar blocked investigation into this corruption, which as much as admits that the accusations, saying that this corruption is "strategic". What he means is that "What's good for BAE arms sales is good for the UK."
The Senate Armed Services Committee plans to investigate psychologists' work in researching torture techniques for the US Army.
The rigging of the PENS report by people who concealed or hedged their military affiliations reminds me of the way Communist infiltrators used to take control of political opposition groups.
Cheney continues to repeat the lie about Saddam Hussein and al Qa'ida.
MIT economists confirm that US workers' income is not increasing as their productivity rises -- and the reason is due to changes that give bosses more power and workers less.
Congress is planning new farm subsidies, which seem likely to favor large companies.
The Iraqi Parliament is trying to end the occupation by blocking the UN approval for it. But Maliki, Bush's Iraqi prime minister, plans to veto the bill.
The WWF has accepted a lot of money to advertise Coca Cola Corporation.
The UK company that has the commission to collect taxes for television
sets has tried to increase profits
demanding payment from people whether they have television sets or not.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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Politicians often argue for privatization of government functions, claiming that businesses will run them more efficiently. But businesses do not necessarily achieve higher profits through doing the right job more efficiently. They are just as likely to raise profits by doing the job wrong.
Glaciers in Antarctica are
faster into the ocean. This means
the danger of catastrophic flooding of coastal areas is worse than we
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The US antimissile system which provokes Putin
is being
imposed on an antagonistic Czech public.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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The Czech leaders who support this are working for the US, not for their own people.
is making
one last try to influence Bush on climate change. I
wish him luck, but he has never succeeded in changing Bush's course
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What 40 years of occupation has done to Palestine, and to Israel.
The UK faces the threat of legal restrictions on abortion.
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Yelena Tregubova says:
Putin is turning Russia into a dictatorship, and now wants to threaten
neighbors, so don't appease Russia.
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I agree with her overall position, but I see the nuclear weapons issue differently. Putin can't possibly threaten other countries as much as Bush does, and it is Bush that wants to abandon arms control and destabilize the nuclear balance. So I think it is right to interpret Russia's development of advanced missiles as a response to Bush's provocation. If Russia did this in the absence of US provocation, it would say more about Russia.
Since Chavez's opposition likes to compare him to Putin, it is informative to contrast them. Putin has suppressed opposition journalism by assassination of journalists who investigate corruption, and has frightened opposition media into silence. Chavez cut off the radio broadcast of one opposition TV station which supported a military coup against his government, but even that station continues cable broadcasts (since they don't require a TV transmitter license). Meanwhile, there are plenty of other opposition media outlets in Venezuela.
Iraq veteran Adam Kokesh is protesting the war with clever nonviolent
stunts, and has been arrested for this.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Now the Marine Corps wants to punish him for protesting, even though he's
not in the Marine Corps any more.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Kokesh's arrest was for a protest inside a Senate office building. He was
charged with "unlawful assembly, loud and boisterous"
although he had not uttered a sound.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Congress is starting to look at Greg Palast's evidence of felonious disenfranchisement of voters in 2004.
The CIA warned Bush of many of the bad things that might result from
attacking Iraq. Bush ignored this.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
A Pakistani Christian was sentenced to death for insulting Muhammad. He seems to deny that he did so, but whether he did or not is a side issue; to make it a crime to express such opinions is an offense against human rights.
It is for policies like these that Pakistan is one of the countries that I simply refuse to visit.
The US health care system, despite its high technology, kills insured
people because of bureaucracy, while other die because they can't get
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The UK's national health care system has problems too, but those problems are mainly caused by something very simple: underfunding, which reflects the New Labour party's priority of catering to the rich.
Islamic extremists in Gaza have threatened to kill women TV presenters
unless they cover their faces. The women are defiant.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The Eritreans presumed drowned at sea (because Malta waited 6 hours to
send a ship to rescue them) may have survived and washed back to Libya.
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link was broken.]
I support Europe's right to control immigration, but that is no excuse to let people drown. And if these people have a valid claim they face persecution in Eritrea, and they are already in Libya, Libya ought to give them asylum. Libya's government is a dictatorship, but at least it has no reason to persecute these people.
It appears that the
UK is considering removing most British troops from the
Bush forces within
a year. Maybe.
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Not long ago I linked to a report of a statement by a British Bush forces division, which gave an earlier exit date, but that seems to have been an error.
Reports about the Democratic candidates' debate confirm my support for Dennis Kucinich. He said he would get rid of the U SAP AT RIOT act and take the US out of the treaties (NAFTA, WTO) that subordinate democracy to corporations. And he refused to support the invasion of Iraq when most Democratic officials chose to go along with it.
(The dishonesty of Bush's demand for war was quite obvious, even though there was, at the time, no proof to put him on trial with. Democrats who endorsed his lies did so because they lacked the courage to resist the pressure. Kucinich has that courage.)
I did not see debate, but my impression is that no other candidate supports those positions. (Obama did oppose the invasion, but he doesn't support the rest.) If any other candidate does support these positions, please let me know.
Meanwhile, a bit of kudos to the candidate who pointed out that rising US gas prices are good, because they promote conservation. Trying to push prices down is evidence of a lack of statesmanship. What we should do is tax away the oil companies' windfall profits, and spend the money promoting mass transit and other good things.
attorney general encouraged troops in the
Bush forces to
disregard the human rights of Iraqi civilians.
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link was broken.]
Neocons in the Defense Department were encouraging Taiwan to declare
independence even as the State Department opposed it.
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While it is ridiculous to have two parts of the government pursuing contradictory foreign policies, I disagree with the presumption that everyone must kowtow to Beijing's demand to swallow Taiwan (or Tibet).
The British troops in the Bush forces will be withdrawn in December.
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What the heck is vote caging, and why does nobody care?
The Department of Homeland Security was justified in the name of
preventing terrorism, but that seems just to be a front.
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Bush told friends that he was trying to make it as difficult as possible
ever to remove the Bush forces from Iraq.
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Real opposition in Congress would cite this publicly as a reason to stop giving whatever Bush says the benefit of the doubt.
A report about Baghdad on a Friday night.
Andrew Bacevich, whose son was killed in Iraq,
has received insane accusations saying that he caused his son's death by
opposing the war. This is absurd, since if Bacevich's efforts had succeeded,
his son would not have been in Iraq.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Although soldiers in the Bush forces may wish to believe they are "serving their country", whichever country it happens to be, we must not pander to this fiction. The occupation of Iraq does not serve any country, only Bush and his cronies. And the only support these troops deserve is pulling them out.
Republican presidential candidates are trying to propagate Bush's lie connecting Saddam Hussein and the 9/11 attacks.
Another Guantanamo prisoner has escaped into death.
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link was broken.]
Bush's climate change plan -- do nothing but talk for two more years --
met with nothing but derision, except from toadies like
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President Chavez has proceeded with the announced plan to close the station RCTV, which directly supported the attempted coup, by not renewing its license.
I don't think this is dictatorship, but it wasn't necessary. If this develops into a general policy of blocking private opposition TV, then I will be concerned.
This article gives more information about how RCTV participated in
supporting the coup attempt.
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link was broken.]
US 'Exaggerating' Iran Threat For Military Intervention", says
a think tank report.
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link was broken.]
A book review of The United States Since 1980--a study of how corporations have taken power away from democracy.
Lina Joy, a Malay living in Malaysia, has been formally denied the right to cease to be legally regarded as a Muslim.
Most Muslim countries have similar policies; some make it a capital offense to convert. Hardly any of them respect the human right of religious freedom.
Whenever Muslims condemn others for criticizing their religion or making fun of it, we should throw this in their faces.
Firing union organizers is illegal, but it's standard practice in the US.
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There's a report -- I don't know the source -- that 10,000 Iraqi women are in prison, and that most of them have been raped.
Turkey is considering giving the police broad powers to collect
information and save it, to search people, and to shoot people.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
McCain opposes net neutrality, and wants to put a Microsoft executive in
the cabinet.
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He misses the point of democracy, which is that the non-rich can join together against the power of the rich, and by acting jointly achieve what they couldn't get by dealing with the same rich one by one. To advocate "no government interference" is to advocate that the non-rich fail to use this weapon.
Who will be the president of the World Bank is a side issue. What really
matters is to change its harmful policies.
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link was broken.]
A commentator on the BBC last night mentioned that some criticize the World Bank as inefficient; that it has too many employees for the lending it does. Then he mentioned that some people say World Bank loans are harmful -- and assumed that satisfying these criticisms would require adding more employees, as if the harm were due to mere mistakes.
This technique is commonly used in the mainstream media to sabotage consideration of an issue: raise it in a confused way, so that the audience believes it has considered the issue, and dismissed it for what appears to be good reason. Few will find out that the reason was a red herring.
The ACLU has sued Jeppeson Dataplan, a Boeing subsidiary, for providing support to CIA torture flights.
Plastic has covered 40% of the ocean's surface with garbage, and the chemicals that leach out of plastic are poisoning us and other animals.
Bill Clinton is planning to accept an award from Colombia's President
Uribe, who has been tied to murderous paramilitaries.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Scientists criticize the EPA's planned program to screen for endocrine
distrupter chemicals, saying it is as good as designed to miss most of the
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link was broken.]
US citizens: Tell the FCC not to sell off lots of the radio spectrum dirt cheap to phone companies.
Inuit, already experiencing damage due to global warming, sent a representative
to England
to testify against airport expansion.
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link was broken.]
The Bush forces are coming to recognize that they are fighting for no
good cause, as they see that the soldiers in Bush's "Iraqi army" are
fighting against the occupation.
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The article ends with an absurd reason for continuing the occupation: for the sake of the local auxiliaries that have been recruited to maintain the occupation. We see these absurd excuses over and over, and since major US media treat them as legitimate, they achieve a political effect.
Why did Congressional Democrats cave in on Iraq war funding? Because most of them aren't committed to ending the war at all.
As B'liar
talks about reducing UK carbon emissions,
he wants to destroy one of Britain's few ancient forests to expand an
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Greg Palast: Monica Goodling testified that Torture Gonzales' chief of staff lied to Congress. He denied his knowledge of a felonious Republican scheme that disenfranchised many Black voters in 2004. And Palast has proof of it all.
The debate over internet neutrality has been nearly ignored by the US
mass media, along with other vitally important issues.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Even the network neutrality campaigners ignore one vital aspect of network neutrality: whether network facilities and servers use free protocols that everyone can implement. If they don't, they tend to impose the use of specific non-free programs or systems.
Costa Rica will stop sending police for training in the US at a school for
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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This school, formerly called the School of the Americas, has spent decades teaching Latin American soldiers to overthrow democratic governments and/or torture the opposition.
Bush isn't satisfied with surveillance in the US. He is
funding Mexico to increase surveillance, too.
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I am suppose they will say this is for catching drug dealers. And they will probably use it some of the time to catch those drug dealers who didn't pay off the police adequately. However, they will also use it to catch political opposition.
The drug problem in the US today is mostly due to prohibition, and further enforcement of prohibition does not make it better. So it cannot justify measures like this.
Haifa Zangana: The entire Labour party shares the blame for Iraq's horrors.
The Bush regime illegally turned immigration judgeships into political
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Another Bush achievement in Iraq: growing opium.
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Russia is protecting the probable murderer of Mr Litvinenko.
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Amnesty International says, the UK's "politics of fear is eroding human
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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For the full report:
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Political leaders of many Iraqi factions, and neighboring countries,
find it useful for fighting in Iraq to continue.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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It is only the Iraqi people that suffer more and more.
B'liar's government has published a blueprint for new nuclear power
plants, while denying it is one, after a sham consultation with the public, so
they can pretend they had one.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Colorado Progressive Jews calls for an end to the occupation and a just
peace with Palestine.
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link was broken.]
The Israeli Army blocked the latest nonviolent Bil'in protest with barbed
wire, then attacked the protestors.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The Bush administration has bent over backwards to let oil companies cheat
the treasury of billions.
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link was broken.]
Amnesty International says
most Palestinians killed in Israeli raids are civilians.
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Cheney directly attacked the Geneva Conventions in a speech at West Point.
What Cheney said about "the terrorists" is just as applicable to the Bush regime when it conducts wars of brutal aggression. I hope West Point graduates realize that.
After Bush forces troops murdered civilians in Haditha,
a cover-up was intentionally ordered at higher levels.
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link was broken.]
Note how they regard the facts of the case as "propaganda". That reflects the attitude that the truth has no importance, an attitude that flows straight from Bush and his supporters.
Bush wants to let nuclear arms control treaties expire.
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link was broken.]
A small boat with 53 illegal immigrants sank in the Mediterranean because
the Maltese coast guard decided not to rescue them.
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link was broken.]
Neither Malta nor the European Union has an obligation to admit unwanted immigrants, but they do have an obligation to rescue people from sinking boats.
Bush arrogantly says "expect more bloodshed" after making the Democrats
surrender on Iraq.
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link was broken.]
Israel has arrested many Palestinian elected officials, in effect wiping
out any chance of Palestinian democracy.
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link was broken.]
The statement by Michael Williams that "legislators cannot be immune from the law" is peculiar because, in many countries including Israel, legislators have exactly that immunity. However, when on country's army arrests another country's legislators, that is normally called war.
The UK has subjected several men to house arrest without trial. Several of
them have run away. The B'liar/Clown regime proposes to make this
an excuse to declare a state of emergency and abolish human rights
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link was broken.]
The Guardian published a story, attributed to someone in the Bush regime, saying that Iran is working with al Qa'ida and the (mostly Sunni) Iraqi resistance.
When I read that, I thought, "
This is nonsense -- but Bush would sure like us to believe it." I'm not
the only one.
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link was broken.]
Bush is quietly planning another troop increase in Iraq.
I am confident that the Iraqi Resistance will outlast the Son of Surge, but only after Bush makes life into hell for Iraqi civilians.
Azmi Bishara, an Arab member of the Israeli Parliament, has fled into
exile after the police accused him of treason because he met with members of
Hezbollah. Bishara says that no one gets a fair trial in Israel's "security"
courts, because they use secret hearsay evidence.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Democrats in Congress have caved in to Bush, giving funding for continued
occupation of Iraq, but only for 3 months.
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link was broken.]
Television now teaches the public to legitimize torture.
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There is a campaign in the UK parliament
against cooperation with Bush regime torture flights.
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link was broken.]
The expelled inhabitants of the Chagos Islands have won a court victory
over the B'liar
regime, which had tried to set aside the previous court
decision which said they could go home.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The B'liar regime did this because it didn't want any civilians anywhere near a big US base.
A company that wants to pay schools to play ads (with music) in school
buses has run into resistance.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
That people can start such a company and not expect to be laughed out of every school department's office reflects the extent of corruption of our society by business. When cities sell names of stadiums to businesses, they set an example of corruption that promotes corruption in every area of life.
A strict curfew in Samarra, turning the whole city into a prison, is
making it hard for residents to find food and fuel. At least 10 people have
died in the hospital as a result. Others have died because they could not get
to the hospital.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
This is what Bush means by "freedom and democracy in Iraq". As usual, the Bush forces refuse to accept responsibility for what they have done.
The Pentagon is reducing the McClatchy reporters' access as punishment for
negative coverage of the Iraq war.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
I wouldn't say this is wrong in and of itself. I too decline to give some reporters interviews (though, unlike the Bush regime, I don't try to hide it). What is noteworthy is that this method is fairly effective at making most of the mainstream media give positive coverage.
Palestinian rockets
finally killed an Israeli civilian.
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link was broken.]
The Israeli army and air force have been preemptively retaliating for this casualty for weeks, killing many Palestinian civilians in the process. Both the Palestinian and the Israeli attacks against civilians are wrong, but the Israeli attacks kill many while Palestinian attacks rarely hurt anyone.
20 years after the publication of Manufacturing Consent, the Internet has changed the landscape for corporate propaganda, but has not eliminated the problem.
We find out about corporate-funded phony activism when it makes mistakes.
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However, professionals don't make mistakes all the time. We need to be suspicious of organizations that lobby for something corporations want -- and we need to develop rules to make it easier to distinguish real activism (which occasionally cooperates with companies) from fake corporate-funded activism.
A BP memo shows how it manages the agencies that are supposed to regulate
it, with a carefully planned series of personal relationships between
particular executives and regulatory officials.
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link was broken.]
A Conoco representative says his company has been "luckier" in avoiding spills, but we know that BP's oil spill wasn't due to mere luck.
The Pope is trying to overcome the anger caused by his praise of European
colonization and its effects on indigenous peoples in the Americas.
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link was broken.]
Bush has appointed himself total power in "emergencies", in an apparently
unconstitutional plan to "ensure constitutional government".
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link was broken.]
Everyone: sign this petition supporting some Iraqi members of parliament in opposing the plan to hand over the oil to foreign companies.
The US Attorney for New Mexico was fired on the excuse he was "absent from the job" -- when, as a military reservist, he was on active duty. The real reason is that he didn't cooperate with Republican plans to undermine the 2008 election with fake charges of individual voter fraud.
Uri Avnery: The Israeli inquiry into the "failure" of the invasion of Lebanon disregards the most important issues: there was no legitimate reason for the war, and the offered justification was a lie.
Bush is planning to continue the occupation of Iraq for decades.
More about the dishonesty
at Guantanamo, how Matt Diaz tried to
protect the Constitution, and how his trial was rigged.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Lebanon is on the verge of a civil war between Islamist extremists and the
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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Malalai Joya, a member of the Afghan parliament,
had bottles thrown at her there when she stood up for women's rights.
When she criticized this, the men took such offense that they suspended her
from parliament.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Many butterfly species have appeared a month early in the UK, a measure of
how much global warming is affecting the Earth.
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The question now is whether we are wise enough to take action to save our endangered space-ship, or whether greed as channeled through global corporations will destroy it.
Brazil's Atlantic Forest has the highest biodiversity on Earth. But it is
being cut down because Brazil doesn't appropriate enough money to protect it.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Gordon Clown wants a law to make it easy to ram through any sort of
development over local opposition. He is hoping to fool opposition by making
this apply to wind-farms as well as nuclear plants and supermarkets.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Governments often use this kind of "one step forward and ten steps back" tactic; we have to be on guard against it.
The environmental organizations in the US have become ineffective, because
they have lost the fire of activism and don't dare talk about the danger of
population growth.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
This is why I do not support the cause of people who want to move to the US for economic reasons. Letting millions of people move from overpopulated countries to the US is not a solution to population growth. What we need is a commitment by the US and other wealthy countries to fund contraception and abortion in the rest of the world.
The Bush forces made a plan before the war to turn the Iraqi news media into propaganda outlets.
We don't know if this plan was followed, but don't say the Bush regime is incapable of advance planning. It knows how to plan corruption and dishonesty.
The company SAIC mentioned in the story often does dirt for the US government. A few years ago, SAIC held the contract to operate the computers of PDVSA, the Venezuelan state oil company, which had fallen into the effective control of foreigners. When President Chavez moved to reclaim Venezuelan control of PDVSA, seeking to use the oil wealth to help the poor, the unpatriotic managers of PDVSA tried to force it to stay shut down. SAIC helped them, by shutting down PDVSA's computers.
The US Army is recruiting soldiers that need antidepressants to avoid
killing themselves, and recruiters tell them to lie about this.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The commanders deny that this happens. But lying is par for the course in the Bush regime.
The US Senate is considering a law to make the CIA publish a secret
report about the 9/11 attacks in the US. Senator Wyden says, "The decision to
classify the report has nothing to do with national security, but rather
political security."
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The UK has so much surveillance that even police are starting to
call it "Orwellian".
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link was broken.]
Illegal sale of ivory on eBay promotes elephant poaching.
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Missiles from Gaza continue to be basically harmless, but Israelis feel
they are not killing enough Palestinians in response.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The Bush forces tried in 2004 to kill Muqtada al-Sadr, with a fake offer
of negotiations meant to lure him into a trap.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Bush has established a climate of depravity in which there is no evil so bad that his regime won't do it.
Does it make sense for thousands of people to fly or drive to a concert so
as to raise awareness of global warming?
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The "Fabric of Life" road, which is the only exit from the Palestinian
village of Bir Naballah, is subject to constant Israeli harassment. Arabs get
arrested for having dangerous weapons such as screwdrivers.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The "Iraqi" parliament protects itself from the Iraqi resistance by hiring
foreign mercenaries -- who are immune from prosecution for anything they may
do in Iraq. So they can terrorize the public with impunity.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
President Musharraf is allowing Taliban-like religious extremists to terrorize the city of Islamabad.
A navy lawyer, Matthew Diaz, told the Center for Constitutional Rights the
names of the prisoners in Guantanamo, so that it could represent them in
court. For defying the Bush regime's illegal policies, he has been sentenced
to prison.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Diaz' action was that of a hero, but he has tarnished his heroism by apologizing for it.
The US admitted that panicking troops killed innocent civilians in
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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However, it does not seem to have admitted that the attempted cover-up was wrong. (This included destroying journalists' videos.)
A probe into the possible motives of Bush and B'liar's lies about Iraq.
The World Bank pretends to help the world's poor, but its projects are
designed to help global business, while the conditions it exacts hurt the
poor. Wolfowitz' coming departure creates an opportunity for possibly
changing these policies.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
China wants to legalize the sale of tiger parts, which could hurry the
tiger into extinction.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
A court case accuses Bush forces troops of taking an Iraqi man hostage to
try to make his brother surrender.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Hostage-taking by the Bush forces has been documented many times.
Israeli troops killed and wounded around 100 Palestinians -- mostly
bystanders -- in "response" for Palestinian rocket attacks which apparently
did not hurt anyone.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Since the rockets were the Palestinian response to the constant oppression of the Israeli occupation, I think Israel has no need or excuse to "respond" by making the occupation even worse.
The Southern Ocean, whose absorption of CO2 has reduced the effects of
past emissions, has become saturated. It can do nothing to reduce the effects
of future CO2 emissions.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Standard practice for modern dictators that have a bad image in the US is to hire a PR firm. This enables them to get the US population to like them, or get support from the US government.
This practice is not limited to foreign tyrants. The US government does it, and companies do it -- US mass media are usually putty in the hands of well-funded PR campaigns.
How could they become trustworthy again? One approach would be to design a code for how news media deal with PR announcements, and launch a campaign pressuring news media to sign up. I will not try to write such a code, because I can't do the job right: I don't know PR practices well enough to design an effective obstacle against them. But if people who do know the matter set their minds to it, maybe they can find a solution.
Verizon and AT&T pay hundreds of "citizens groups" to lobby for deregulation of cable licenses in many US states -- and these groups disguise their nature, pretending to be merely citizens with an opinion.
The BBC dares to report on the Church of Scientology.
The Church of Scientology uses copyright law to suppress information about their secret tenets (such as, about Xenu and the Thetans). Those who try to reveal the sacred texts are sued.
To make these practices more effective and dangerous, Scientology also directs its pet congressmen to vote for increases in copyright power. This makes the Church of Scientology the direct enemy of your freedom whether or not you ever have dealings with it.
BP's Alaskan oil spill in 2006 was caused by skimping on maintenance. In
effect, BP's talk about respecting the environment is just greenwash.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The powerful landlords of Para in Brazil, who have for years murdered
workers who got in their way, may have finally come to the end of their
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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The State of Massachusetts, and environmental groups,
sued the DOE
for failing to upgrade energy efficiency standards.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
In another setback for the War on the Environment, Julie MacDonald
been forced to resign. She was used by the Bush regime to pressure
scientists to minimize the danger of extinction to various species.
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link was broken.]
The Bush forces have blocked soldiers from accessing web sites where users share information.
Perhaps this is meant to stop them from posting photos and videos of atrocities committed by the Bush forces against Iraqis.
CBS says
it fired General Batiste for "engaging in advocacy" by
criticizing Bush's war, but it doesn't mind when other commentators
engage in advocacy in support of Bush.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Perhaps that's because CBS supports Bush. After all, CBS pays Nicolle Wallace to make statements in support of Bush, it labels the former Bush regime employee as a "political consultant" to disguise her background.
Opposition parties in Pakistan
a strike which shut down the country's main cities.
They had tried to hold rallies, which were
overrun by violence; they say this violence was fomented by President
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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The Iraqi resistance has
a few Bush forces soldiers, which
has driven the Bush forces nuts.
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Americans react irrationally when a few Americans are taken prisoner. When some were captured by Iran, the media made it seem like a national emergency. Some say that Reagan to make a deal with Iran, to assure these prisoners would be held until the election, and that this enabled him to defeat Carter, who had at least tried to send a military force to rescue the prisoners. Later, when some Americans were captured in Lebanon, President Reagan ransomed them with missiles for Iran.
I hope that this coup for the resistance, while minor in objective terms, makes stops Bush from continuing the war.
Bush's "Iraqi" government will forbid press coverage of bombings.
Whatever they may say, the reason is clearly so that Americans won't know about the bad news.
An Israeli officer
videoed attacking civilian protestors, and now
faces possible punishment -- because it was recorded, and because the
protestors were Israeli.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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This is the exception -- the normal case is that soldiers get away with violence up to and including murder.
Deforestation is
of the main causes of global warming.
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I've heard that a lot of the deforestation in Brazil is for growing feed for cattle. The cattle produce methane, which also contributes to global warming. Thus, eating less meat (and cutting subsidies for its production) is an important way to reduce the problem.
Around 2 million Iraqis have fled to other countries. This article interviews many of them, presenting a picture of how horribly Iraq has been destroyed by Bush.
The Israeli Army has
a plan to wipe out the Palestinian
village of Aqba, by declaring 80% of its land a "military zone".
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
As the G8 try to propose action to reduce climate change, the Bush regime is trying to sabotage it.
If the other countries involved have any courage, they will make the text sharper and dare the US to walk out.
The draining of wetlands in South Korea that are used by migrating birds now threatens two species with extinction.
This shows what happens when environmental impact statements are not required. It also shows why human overpopulation spells disaster for the natural world.
In the weekly Bil'in protest, Israeli troops shot a nonviolent protester with rubber bullets from 10 feet away. He was seriously injured and needed to be operated on.
The government of Afghanistan
bans journalism,
and attacks or kills journalists.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
A survey in late 2006 found that the Bush forces troops say they half would not report anyone in the Bush forces for killing innocent Iraqis, and a third of them are in favor of torture. And 1/10 of the troops surveyed said they had actually mistreated civilians during a 5-week period.
What General Petraeus is saying about this is what Bush and everyone working for him should have said all along. But it is too late now, because the Bush forces have already given Iraqis plenty of reason to hate them. Furthermore, I don't think he has any chance of changing the soldiers' views of this unless Bush starts to back him up.
Sooner or later, humans on Earth will have zero population growth.
The question is --
bad will things get before that happens?
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Clinton is promoting efforts by countries such as Brazil and
India to set aside patents so as to make AIDS medicines affordable.
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The WTO's patent rules are unjust, but do allow an exception when needed for public health. The US government, acting on behalf of the drug companies, pressures poor countries not to use this exception. The Clinton administration did this when in power, and the Bush regime does it now.
It is interesting that both Clinton and Gore are showing much more concern for the public good now that they are not in office. This is a sign that they felt compelled by the political system to knuckle under to the corporations -- that the megacorporations have so much power that democracy is impossible. Sad to say, Clinton's "free trade" treaties gave them this power. To reestablish democracy, we have to take away the megacorporations' power, split them up, and abolish these treaties.
Russian journalist Yelena Tregubova says that
Putin has destroyed
freedom of speech in Russia. She is seeking political asylum in
London after escaping a bomb that was meant to kill her.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
In response to complaints about unofficial and quiet attempts to gag scientists, new rules have been imposed on NOAA to officially gag scientists.
Presidential candidate Giuliani seems to have tried to block the DEAs
investigation into Oxycontin addiction, acting on behalf of the company that
made it.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
To restore democracy in the US would require making all politicians scared get involved in defending any company.
Halliburton drives empty trucks through the Iraqi desert, risking the drivers' lives, because it is paid per trip.
Although he denounces corruption, Greenwald insists on praising the troops in the Bush forces, who wish to imagine they are "serving their country". Thus, he considers the resulting demoralization of Bush forces soldiers a bad thing.
In a just war, it would be a bad thing. But the corruption of Halliburton is part and parcel of the greater corruption of launching a war of aggression. The ring-leaders of the combined scheme, Bush and Cheney, ought to be in prison.
Recent elections in Scotland and France may have been affected by electronic voting machine fraud. However, in Ohio, the people who stole the 2004 presidential election have been forced to resign and are being investigated.
B'liar's regime illegally delayed publishing bad news about increasing
costs for his tyrannical ID card scheme.
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A Chinese freedom activist is challenging China Telecom in court for blocking access to large parts of the Internet (here is a link to the same story in Chinese).
New Bush regime regulations impose total email censorship on soldiers' families as well as on soldiers.
Bush is trying to forbid troops from speaking to members of Congress, too.
And soldiers have been told to treat reporters like spies.
The target of this secrecy is not the Iraqi resistance, which knows all it needs to know about what the Bush forces are doing. It is the public and political opposition.
A comment unintentionally highlights the absurdity of the excuse offered for this policy of cover-up. "Soldiers don't own this information -- the American people do". Strange justification for keeping it secret from us.
Michael Moore faces the threat of imprisonment for bringing some Americans
to Cuba for medical treatment. These people developed chronic illness from
air pollution while saving people during the attacks on the World Trade
Center, but they could not afford medical treatment in the US.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
NASA predicts that by 2080, typical summer temperatures in the US
Northeast will be around 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and 110 degrees won't be
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link was broken.]
International pressure is making China start to pressure Sudan to stop the
fighting in Darfur.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
A Bush forces soldier says he watched his commander shoot five Iraqi civilians who were trying to surrender -- and then was ordered to lie about it.
This sort of thing must have happened on a smaller scale hundreds of times, but without prosecution because there was no evidence or the coverup was successful. That is what an occupying army does, and that's why those responsible for the occupation itself are the main culprits. They are the ones who established the climate that led other officers to think they should order Captain Stone not to investigate.
Congressman Kucinich is starting an investigation of conflicts of interest
in privatized government scientific measurement and testing.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Kucinich for president!
The Bush regime deported illegal immigrants caught working in New
Bedford, but
Luis Posada has been spared prosecution for entering the US illegally.
He's special because he is a terrorist.
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link was broken.]
If Castro were to handle this the American way, he would send agents to kidnap Posada and deliver him to a third country to be tortured.
NATO troops have been killing lots of Afghan civilians, and
this is generating resentment; meanwhile, each time this happens, NATO is
reluctant to admit it, and that generates more resentment.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Truck drivers in Afghanistan say they would rather be ruled by the Taliban
than by the corrupt police of the current government.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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The Taliban are horrible, but I can understand why Afghan men would prefer them to chaotic violence.
Al Qa'ida's religious extremism is making enemies among Iraqi Sunnis.
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The only thing that enables Al Qa'ida to retain some power and influence among Iraqi Sunnis, despite all the trouble it causes them, is that it also fights the occupying army. Thus, the best way for the Bush regime to defeat Al Qa'ida in Iraq (supposing it really wants to) would be to withdraw the Bush forces.
The UK's program to support renewable energy in houses was so successful
that they reduced the grants.
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It's a rational way to economize, if you'd rather save money than save the planet.
Frank Lund has been convicted of murder after cooperating with his
incapacitated wife's stated wish to commit suicide.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The purpose of a jury trial is so that juries can prevent such outrageous results. Jurors in trials of people accused of assisting a loved one who wishes to die, of people accused of carrying out abortions, of people accused of sharing music or software, should ignore the judge and vote "not guilty". This is called "jury nullification".
B'liar has sentenced two government employees to prison for trying to
expose some of B'liar's
dirty dealings with Bush. Even worse, the information
they tried to give us has been suppressed.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
If you get some important secret information about how Bush and B'liar lied to the public, you had better not trust someone in Britain or the US to pass it on to the public. I recommend sending it anonymously to Telesur.
Greg Palast: Naked neo-cons: Perjury and the Big, Bad Wolfowitz.
Israeli forces attacked Israeli and Palestinian protestors who joined
together for the non-violent removal of a stone roadblock. Then they kept
ambulances from picking up the people they had wounded. Nonetheless, the
action was a success in that the roadblock was removed.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
"The Christian Taliban Is Running the Department of Defense", according to
Michael Weinstein, whose sons have been subject to anti-semitic harassment at
the US Air Force Academy.
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link was broken.]
Thousands of US soldiers and vets complain that their commanders pressured
them to convert to Christianity. This pressure is applied even in the
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The Wolfowitz scandal may lead to permanent changes in appointing World Bank presidents.
Whether that would convert the World Bank into a force for good in the world is to be doubted, but at least the organization is currently demoralized and unable to do much harm.
A World Bank committee has
Paul Wolfowitz to have violated its ethics rules.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Americans who hunt and fish are
aware of how climate change is harming wildlife,
and they want action right away.
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link was broken.]
A TV program that denied the reality of global warming
supposed scientific data.
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link was broken.]
A power-struggle is developing in Basra, as people increasingly support larger Shi'ite nationalist parties rather than the local regime that collaborates with the Bush forces.
President Correa of Ecuador says that he will
beyond ineffective protests against Colombia's military incursions into Ecuador.
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link was broken.]
I read recently that he ordered the air force to intercept US drug-spraying planes if they enter Ecuadorian air space.
Ecuador is also moving to aid the Colombians who have been forced to flee by the civil war in Colombia and by paramilitaries.
Islamist fanatics attacked a school in Gaza which was having a party with boys and girls together.
The Iraqi resistance is
up its attacks on the Bush forces,
and the Bush forces
themselves warn of increased casualties in the
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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When these increased casualties happen, they will say "Don't judge the results yet -- wait another month, another year."
China is forcing rural Tibetans to leave their villages and move into towns.
It is reminiscent of the "strategic hamlet" policy that the US tried in Vietnam, but the aim seems to be even worse: to destroy Tibetan culture.
US citizens: phone your senators and congresspersons and say you want the next version of the Iraq war funding to be firmer than the previous one. Show Bush that each veto gets him more of what he doesn't want!
How Hillary Clinton made her money -- from Wal Mart and payoffs.
Republican corruption shows its face in the Army's purchase of drainage
pumps for New Orleans.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Even if performed honestly, this task is futile -- New Orleans must be moved to high ground.
So much plastic garbage, including plastic bags, is floating in the
ocean that it is killing albatross chicks, sea turtles, dolphins, and
seals. This has inspired a campaign to end the use of plastic bags by
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The campaign may help -- but we need to do something about the other plastic garbage too.
The RIAA claims to collect royalties from Internet radio on behalf of musicians, but that is a lie. The fact is, the RIAA (acting for the big record companies) demands payment even if the musicians have said their recording is freely shareable. And the musicians don't get this payment unless they join the RIAA -- and give an impression of supporting it.
This law is one more illustration of how the US government takes the side of big business over and against US citizens.
Middleman have forced down the price of cashew nuts for farmers in
Guinea-Bissau to the point where they are likely to starve
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link was broken.]
Police in the UK arrested 32 animal rights activists.
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Most of those arrested have not been charged with a crime, but that wasn't necessary. Since their computers, phones, and even copiers have been seized, their activities have been wiped out.
I do not agree with the animal rights movement, and in particular, I am in favor of experiments on animals for the sake of scientific advances. However, I do support human rights -- and these activists' human rights have been violated by an unjust government.
The Bush regime has censored web postings by soldiers -- and veterans --
threatening to punish anyone that makes statements the Bush regime disapproves
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US citizens: call or write your congressperson and say you want Bush and Cheney impeached, and with no delay.
An Israeli commission's report condemns the government's leaders for folly
in launching war against Hezbollah last summer.
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This is less important, however, than the continued occupation of Palestine.
A UK civil servant on trial for publishing memos that give the lie to B'liar asked the jury to consider that he had acted with courage for the public good.
The Irish government is blocking a teenage girl from going to the UK for
an abortion. These religious fanatics want to force her to have a baby which
would immediately die.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Occidental Petroleum, in Amazonia, has been
callously polluting the water that native people drink.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Bush's plan for security in Baghdad, which is to wall off many
neighborhoods and block travel, is making life more difficult but does little
to prevent death.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Half of all species on Earth are likely to be driven to extinction in this
century by human activity, unless unprecedented large wildlife reserves are
established to preserve them.
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link was broken.]
Venezuela has quit the World Bank and the IMF.
Venezuela's decision has no immediate consequences for Venezuela; instead it is meant to inspire world-wide opposition to those organizations. They have a habit of imposing nasty "structural adjustment" conditions on the countries they "help", conditions such as making poor children pay for elementary school.
Around a million Turks protested against the likely next president and his
intent to turn Turkey more or less into an Islamic state.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens: phone or write your congresscritters to save Internet Radio. You
can communicate and get more info through
this site.
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link was broken.]
But a phone call or paper letter carries more weight than an email.
Britain's moth population is down by 30 to 50% since 40 years ago, a trend
which endangers many plants and also animals.
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link was broken.]
Wal-Mart's union busting profits from weak US labor laws, but Wal-Mart
doesn't hesitate to break these laws over and over.
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link was broken.]
Cuba has freed a number of political prisoners, but this doesn't necessarily mean a real change, as many more remain in prison.
Everyone: sign the petition for firm action to prevent climate change.
A B'liar regime minister's aide is accused of leaking an impending arrest of terrorist suspects, trying to play it for political benefit.
Doctrines of multiculturalism have led courts in Germany to treat Muslim
women as second-class citizens, who can be beaten freely by the men in their
family because "that's their culture".
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Whatever culture is in a person's background cannot excuse subjecting the person to violent abuse. And anything "Islamic" should be kept away from all contact with law, because it is sure to be an influence for cruelty to women.
New estimates suggest the Arctic Ocean will have no ice in the summer as
soon as 2050. The lack of ice means the ocean absorbs more heat, so this will
increase the danger that Greenland melts and raises sea level by 23 feet.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
A rationally based ranking of drugs by the harm they cause shows that today's prohibition policies make no sense.
In Darfur, some of the Arab groups that were fighting for the government
have switched sides, making things more complex.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Bush vetoed the Democrats' war-funding bill. The Democrats seem to be
determined to continue their opposition, but they may remove the deadlines and
focus on "milestones"--such as permanent theft of Iraq's oil. That would make
it all worthless.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Bush's "Iraqi" government sent to its parliament the law to hand over Iraq's oil wealth to foreign companies.
If Congress wanted to end the war, it could pass a bill offering funding for the war on two conditions: that the "Iraqi" government not hand over its oil wealth, and that the US government award no contracts for the war without competitive bidding. If Bush signed that bill, he would lose all his motive for continuing the war. But if he refused to sign it, that would be tantamount to admitting his real motives.
Sea turtles are threatened with extinction due to human hunting of turtles
and their eggs. Efforts to protect them run into trouble with armed drug
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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In effect, the turtles are yet another casualty of America's insane "war on drugs." This war is so intoxicated, by the drugs it is on, that it doesn't realize it is killing turtles.
As patents on drugs kill millions in poor countries, the major big drug
companies try to justify the patent system by saying that it is the best way
to fund research.
This study shows how bad a system it really is, and discusses some
proposed alternatives.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
The elections in Nigeria were brazenly rigged.
Greg Palast says: Bush's firing of prosecutors is part of an attempt to bias the 2008 elections.
The Bush regime wants to make it almost
impossible for Guantanamo prisoners to meet with their lawyers.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Mordechai Vanunu has been convicted of the crime of speaking to foreign journalists. Not that he told them any secrets (he says he doesn't know anything which is still secret) -- the mere fact that he spoke with them is his crime.
This is reminiscent of the Soviet Union and China during the cold war, when people were afraid they would be punished just for speaking with foreigners.
Former CIA director Tenet now directly accuses Bush and Cheney of twisting intelligence findings to support their pre-formed intention to attack Iraq.
We already knew they had done this, but having the accusation come from a witness who clearly knew what was going on may help the pressure for impeachment.
Republicans in Congress are feeling the pressure to stop supporting Bush
on Iraq.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Bush's invasion of Iraq, if looked at from an amoral point of view, is indeed a fiasco. Let that not distract us from the fact that it is also a monstrous crime.
Doctors say the UK's
system of free health care has become a sham, since the care provided
free is inadequate and patients regularly have to pay to supplement it.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Saleh Nizar, a gardener of age 58, was arrested and tortured by the
"Iraqi" government on behalf of the Bush regime. The torture has injured him
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Nizar was fortunate to have gardened for a "senior official" who was able to get him released after 6 months. Most Iraqis wouldn't have such connections. They'd have to suffer for longer.
Uri Avnery: Comparing Israel to South Africa -- despite the similarities, they call for different solutions.
A superficial reaction to violence in US schools tends to inspire harsh
"safety measures" that tend to increase alienation of students -- and that
tends to encourage violence.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Sheikh Hasina, former prime minister of Bangladesh, has been
accused of murder because police killed her supporters in a protest rally.
Then she was forbidden to return to her country to stand trial and clear her
name of these charges.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
More recently,
the government reversed the latter decision and decided to allow her back
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
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As far as I can tell, the trumped-up murder charges remain.
Two US citizens were exiled to Pakistan for 6 months by the FBI.
A distinguished British ambassador, on retiring, blasted
B'liar for
screwing up British foreign policy. He sent this message private to the
government as a farewell message. The
regime responded by abolishing
the practice. Now it has been leaked to the news.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
B'liar does not value truth, not even in private from people working for him. That may be rational. B'liar does not tell ambassadors his real goals; for instance, he won't say to them that "We will do whatever Bush says, and pretend to the public that we have an influence on him; what suggestions do you have?" Since their advice would be based on his public facade rather than on his real position, it is useless for him, and he knows it.
The Irish struggle against a dangerous Shell refinery plan is growing.
China has become the world's leading emitter of CO2, ahead of previous
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Any hope of avoiding environmental disaster depends on convincing China to stop building coal-powered electric plants.
Congressman Kucinich has introduced articles of impeachment
against Dick Cheney.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Democratic party leaders refuse to support the effort. Shame on them!
The TV show
Supernanny teaches that parental dictatorship is good, but
doesn't measure the harm it does.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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Fighting between Ethiopian troops and Islamists continues in
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Since this article says nothing about the departure of Ethiopian troops, which they previously said would happen very soon, I wonder if Bush has convinced them to make their occupation of Somalia permanent.
Sunni-Shi'ite killings
are back in Baghdad.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Note that the Al Qa'ida attacks described in this article are not terrorism. "Iraqi" soldiers and police are collaborators, working for the Bush forces, and attacking them is attacking the occupying army. It happens that most of these collaborators are Shi'ites.
Mugabe is systematically rigging the next election in Zimbabwe, even as his thugs arrest and attack the opposition.
Attacking opposition leaders and activists is not a new thing for Mugabe.
Since the white colonizers took the land by force, I don't think they have much of an argument to make for retaining it. But there are good and bad ways to nationalize an enterprise. Zimbabwe's way wrecked them.
The Iraqi government has started to withhold figures on civilian deaths. Apparently it was ordered not to show that Bush is lying.
The African force which is supposed to protect the people of Darfur from
the Janjaweed is so undersized that it can barely protect itself.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Bush wants army news announcements to cooperate with propaganda operations, just as they did in the Vietnam War.
Of course, the "facts" provided for army news announcements are often pre-cooked for propaganda purposes. The US government systematically ordered troops to lie about the death of Pat Tillman from friendly fire, just as they systematically lied to make Jessica Lynch out as a hero. Now the Democrats are showcasing these lies.
How Bush's "military tribunals" will treat confessions obtained by torture
as evidence.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
This means they are designed to function as part of a system for torturing and "convicting" people regardless of the facts.
A bomb was found at an abortion clinic, designed to kill.
It surely was been planted by Christian theocratic fanatics. Other such fanatics are suing the University of California for refusing to recognize creationist "biology classes" as filling the lab science requirement.
The Panchen Lama, imprisoned by China at the age of 5, is now 18 (if
indeed he is alive), and is still in prison.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Al Qa'ida successfully attacked
Bush forces troops in Iraq.
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This will enable Al Qa'ida to win more support among Iraqi Sunnis, nearly all of whom want to fight the occupiers of their country. They don't all support Al Qa'ida's other mission, which is killing Iraqi Shi'ites. But even those who dislike sectarian war may give Al Qa'ida more support if it conspicuously fights the Bush forces.
UK troops returning from the Bush forces have spoken out to denounce the war. Their base in Basra is under siege by the resistance.
Large supermarket chains are so powerful that they are driving down wages
for farm laborers in India.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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This article refers to the UK, but I'd expect it is even more true of the US.
The fighting in Mogadishu has driven 300,000 people to flee the city.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Ethiopians, and the US-constructed "provisional government", have little popular support, and thus no chance of defeating the Islamists.
A brief history of fake news in the US.
Tens of thousands protested in the US to demand reductions in greenhouse
gas emissions.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-19 because the
link was broken.]
Sunnis protest against Baghdad's 'prison wall'.
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Bush is using skewed statistics to prove that Iraq is safer.
But car bombs are not the only form of killing that Bush omits from these figures. Aerial bombardment by the Bush forces kills lots of Iraqis, and they systematically under-report it.
Mongolian herder Tsetsegee Munkhbayar launched an environmental movement that
made many mines stop polluting.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The UK's national health service won't pay for drugs to treat
macular degeneration until the victim goes blind in one eye.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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However, privatized medicine is no solution. The private sector won't treat most of these victims at all (they can't afford it).
Bill Gates gives some of his money to charity, hoping thus to persuade society to overlook the harm he does to get that money.
But how good is this charity really?
Pacific leatherback turtles are headed for extinction, wiped out by human fishing and habitat destruction. A migration "race" with turtles as competitors is trying to get children interested in their fate.
The threats that these turtles face can be found in the "threats" section of this page.
A part of Greenland is revealed as a separate island after the ice shelf connecting it to Greenland melted away.
The Greenland ice sheet is melting faster and faster, threatening to raise sea level by 23 feet and inundate many major cities.
Nigeria's ruling party rigged the elections there.
The opposition has denounced the elections as fraudulent and calls for a new election.
The US elections in 2000 and 2004 were also rigged, and Greg Palast says they are working on rigging the next election already.
Everyone: on May 3 the US will meet with Syria and Iran to discuss what to do in Iraq. Sign the petition calling for diplomacy involving all parties.
In the US:
join the rally in Washington on June 10/11 to end the occupation of
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Sunni inhabitants of a Baghdad neighborhood don't think that building walls will make them safer. (Perhaps because the death squads that kill Sunnis are Iraqi police and can go where they wish.)
Iraqi prime minister al-Maliki says that the construction should stop, but he can't do anything to stop it, showing how powerless he is.
Mugabe has threatened to expel western diplomats unless they stop meeting
with opposition figures and going to their trials.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
It is better to have the ambassadors expelled than have them remain while neutralized. However, what this shows is that diplomacy is useless. Only armed intervention will save the people of Zimbabwe.
As a dictator and a murderer, Saddam Hussein was no worse than Mugabe. Yet Bush, who called for an attack on Iraq because Hussein was such a tyrant, has no interest in liberating Zimbabwe from Mugabe. Perhaps Zimbabwe has no oil.
US voters: phone or write to your congresscritter in support of the Freedom of Choice Act, which would repeal the federal ban on some abortions and endorse abortion rights.
B'liar has abandoned Iraqi interpreters who worked for the
Bush forces in
Iraq, and now need to flee for their lives.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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I don't have much sympathy for Iraqi collaborators, who are rightly being attacked as traitors by their countrymen. But this policy shows the moral corruption of B'liar the same moral corruption that led to his participation in the attempt to conquer Iraq.
Many Iraqis hold the Bush forces (which they think of as the US)
responsible for the violence in their country.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
B'liar is trying to undermine public schools with a system of
company-run publicly-funded schools. Popular opposition has blocked
one of them.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Iran has made progress in uranium enrichment, but is still a
few years away from having the uranium needed for a bomb.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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I share the suspicion that Iran is planning to make nuclear weapons, but since they seem to be the only thing that can deter an attack by the US, I can't be very critical of this. Iran might use them for attack, but so might the US. The US refuses to promise not to be the first to use nuclear weapons, even against countries that don't have any.
After a 6-year drought, Australia is about to ban irrigation, essentially wiping out agriculture. This drought is unprecedented and is probably due to global warming. Howard, who had ignored warnings that global warming would reduce rainfall in Australia, now reluctantly recognizes that global warming may be real.
The European Union took a small step towards political censorship by
making it a crime to deny that various genocides took place, when done in a
way that constitutes "incitement to racial hatred".
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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The added second condition makes the step smaller, but it still goes in a dangerous direction. Even Nazis have the right to advocate their views, and to make "incitement to hatred" a crime is dangerous censorship in itself.
recipe for winning hearts and minds away from Al Qa'ida is to work
harder at propaganda. However, it is
hard for propaganda to overcome setting a bad example.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Chinese political prisoner Wang Xiaoning has sued Yahoo! for giving the
Chinese government information that led to his being imprisoned and beaten.
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If there is no way for companies to operate in China without supporting torture, then they shouldn't operate in China. (The same applies to the US.)
Uri Avnery: Why Israel should release its Palestinian prisoners.
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A well-known Palestinian non-violent activist was raided at night by
Israeli troops who sought to intimidate him into stopping.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The mother of a Palestinian prisoner was imprisoned and shackled so as
to put pressure on her son.
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link was broken.]
An Israeli sniper shot a Palestinian teenager, and then shot another
Palestinian who went to rescue him. The teenager died.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Nobel peace prize winner Mairead Corrigan joined in the weekly
protest at Bil'in and was injured by a rubber bullet and tear gas.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Another non-violent protest, near Bethlehem, was able to break up part of
the annexation wall under construction.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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The Bush forces are getting so desperate that they are sending seriously injured soldiers into combat.
Bush and B'liar called for stronger sanctions against Sudan, for massacres
in Darfur.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
They can't actually do anything, because their armies (and their international prestige) have been worn down by Iraq.
Bush's appointees on the Supreme Court upheld the ban on a specific
late-term abortion procedure, even when it is the best way to protect
the pregnant woman's health.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
In effect, they have found a way to make Roe v Wade meaningless while pretending to uphold it. (Dishonesty from the right-wing is normal practice.) The law is vague enough to be stretched to cover all abortions after 12 weeks.
The neocons who planned the invasion of Iraq are not the leaders of the plot. Others more powerful than they asked them to plan it, and made the decision to carry it out.
The US news media systematically and intentionally slanted the news to
support Bush's invasion of Iraq. Opposition to the war was labeled
"unpatriotic", and talk show host Phil Donahue was fired for not looking
"patriotic" enough.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
I would like to know more about the "patriotism police" how it operated, and who organized it.
In Bangladesh,
Aralia Island is gradually being drowned as global warming makes sea level
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Iran officially encourages vigilantes to kill people who don't obey Islamic rules. The Supreme Court just ruled that vigilantes that killed 18 people-- for crimes such as having sex-- can't be executed as murderers. They may however face imprisonment for the killings.
I don't criticize the outcome as such, since I think the death penalty is wrong. But it comes from a combination of two wrongs (having the death penalty, and supporting lynching). They canceled each other out in this case, but that isn't usually so.
Both of these wrongs come out of Islamic law, which is just another name for brutal tyranny. Respecting individuals' religious freedom does not mean tolerating Islamic law.
Demand for merbau wood for floors is destroying the forests of New Guinea.
In 35 years, this will stop, because that species will all be all but gone.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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Four million Iraqis have already become refugees, and more are trying to flee, but they are finding it increasingly hard to gain admission anywhere (even in other parts of Iraq).
Large explosions in Baghdad killed many civilians, and showed that the
Bush forces cannot bring security to Iraq.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
My proposal for restoring peace in Iraq is to pull the Bush forces out, cancel all actions to steal Iraq's oil and privatize its state assets, and give both the Sunnis and the Shi'ites armed help-- in the form of troops from Islamic countries they can trust-- in maintaining defensive perimeters around their parts of Iraq (and their parts of Baghdad).
US citizens: sign the petition to US Congress to take strong steps against global warming.
In Ecuador,
78% voted to endorse President Correa's plan for a new constitution.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
US telephone companies are corrupting many consumer groups into lobbying for them.
As Bush wins favor among Americans by bemoaning the massacre of some
30 people, Americans mostly do not hold him
responsible for massacring 600,000 Iraqis.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Last year, the Bush forces pointed to Tal Afar as a picture of success. This year it fell apart into sectarian bloodshed.
Muqtada al Sadr has pulled his party's ministers out of the Iraqi
coalition. He has also recently called for protests against the
Bush occupation of Iraq.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
In Kandahar, ordinary citizens prefer the Taliban to NATO for simple safety.
They might be happy with a strong secular government too, but they don't see any possibility of that.
A dispute about electronic voting has become an issue in the French presidential election.
It is utterly foolish to use electronic machines for elections. The practical advantages are insignificant compared to what we lose: confidence in the outcome of the election.
After US marines in Afghanistan wantonly killed civilians,
seized journalists' cameras to cover it up. The US government
continues to defend their destruction of evidence.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Associated Press photographer Bilal Hussein has been imprisoned for a year by the Bush forces in Iraq, with no charges filed.
It's too bad that the AP won the Pulitzer Prize, rather than Bilal himself. If he had won such a prize, the heat on the Bush regime might be enough to make them release him.
Democratic leaders seem to be standing firm against Bush regarding their flawed but useful bill for Iraq troop withdrawal.
The Bush regime has turned disinformation through the mainstream media
into a weapon, and the world has become aware of this. Now it is
to disinform
the Internet as well.
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link was broken.]
drugs are sold in large quantities, and have taught the malaria
parasite to develop resistance to the real drugs.
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link was broken.]
Former Republican Congressman McCloskey
the party, saying "A pox on their values", and became a Democrat.
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While this is good news in the short term, it is partly a reflection of the fact that today's Democratic Party largely has adopted values and policies that once belonged to the Republican Party. As people who sincerely support the former Republican values become Democrats, we who sincerely support the former Democratic values become Greens.
B'liar has done one good thing: a campaign to win control of the International Whaling Commission away from Japan and maintain the controls on whaling.
A court decision in the US, made in the name of copyright law, will shut down Internet radio unless it is reversed. Its retroactive application will bankrupt the netcasters.
The UN as well as Ecuador recognize that human activities are
threatening the ecology of the Galapagos islands.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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I think that controlling the human population of the islands must be part of the solution.
Bush plans to turn Baghdad into a semi-prison to end the violence
(and the resistance). It is not likely to work.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Tens or hundreds of thousands of Iraqis heeded Muqtada al Sadr's call
and protested peacefully, calling for the
Bush forces to leave their
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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Courageous ex-Muslims in Europe have founded an organization to
oppose religious bullying by Muslims.
The death threats they have received
illustrate the evil they are trying to oppose.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
British MP Norman Baker is assembling evidence that Dr Kelly
was murdered by the British government. He already has plenty
of evidence to disprove the official story of suicide.
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link was broken.]
11 retired US generals say: cut greenhouse gas emissions today, or fight wars tomorrow.
The B'liar regime is letting Sudanese government officials interrogate Darfuri refugees in the UK.
A federal law that violates the Roe v Wade decision by prohibiting
abortions in many circumstances will
soon be considered by the Supreme Court.
Bush's appointees there were most likely chosen for their
willingness to take away abortion rights.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
article in a major Canadian newspaper denounces the US "war on terror"
as a fraud for stealing oil, and says Canada should pull out of it.
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link was broken.]
Why Israel has no grounds for rejecting the
Arab peace offer.
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link was broken.]
Israeli soldiers attack Jenin refugee camp every day, just to be
cruel. When they took over the family of pharmacist Ahmed Hourieh,
they admitted that nobody in the family was to be arrested. So they
just made the family stay out in the cold half the night, while they
trashed the house.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
In Qalqilia, Ali Shukri was wanted for arrest. Since he wasn't
police shot some of the women in his family, then blew up
their home, damaging the neighbors homes. That'll teach them not
to live near anyone who is a suspect!
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Members of the Palestinian Parliament have been in prison for a year,
charged with the crime of having run as members of Hamas.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Hamas was built up by Israel in the 1980s so as to undermine the influence of Arafat's secular Fatah organization.
In Nablus, Israeli troops following their usual practice of taking civilian hostages and using them as human shields were caught on video. This led to a scandal, which surprised them, because they normally expect to get away with this.
Oxfam International calls for an end to the financial blockade
of Palestine, because it is causing starvation.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Police in Baltimore arrested a 7-year-old child for riding a motorbike
on the sidewalk. Then they handcuffed him and took him to the police
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I shudder at the thought of what they would do to an adult caught riding on the sidewalk.
Police in Pittsburgh attacked peaceful protestors, then arrested them.
One protester tried to photograph a policeman who had just made a
nasty remark and the policeman beat him up. Others who tried to
photograph the attack on the first one were then attacked and
arrested. This is part of a long-term systematic campaign of violence
and sabotage against antiwar activity in Pittsburgh.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The police are probably right-wing extremists who believe that dissent is treason. This is par for the course, for police, but Bush is also responsible since he created a climate of disrespect for human rights and dissent.
A suicide bomber attacked the Iraqi parliament, having penetrated 8 lines of Bush forces security checkpoints. It is a dramatic indication that Bush's troop increase has failed to crush the resistance.
Gordon Drown arranged for reports to exaggerate the success of doing
government activities with private financing (and private profit).
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UN campaign aims to make "sacred" sites double as wildlife preserves.
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Bush has systematically appointed the graduates of a school for
theocratic Christians, many of whom are incompetent or dishonest. And
they are already planning to keep this up after Bush is gone.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Garry Kasparov, chess champion turned dissident, was
arrested in Moscow for a peaceful march
to criticize the antidemocratic
policies of President Putin.
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link was broken.]
Leading Democratic candidates have refused to debate on Faux
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Serb nationalists have been found guilty of killing
Bosnian Muslim prisoners in Srebrenica.
Bush forces soldiers who have done
similar things have mostly gone unpunished.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
How did Iran treat its British prisoners? Some of the ex-prisoners
describe treatment that is rather nasty, though not as bad as what
Bush does.
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However, there is some reason to think the ex-prisoners were pressured into by the B'liar regime into making false accusations.
I don't find this evidence conclusive. I would not be surprised if the Ahmadinejad regime abuses prisoners, nor if B'liar made the ex-prisoners lie. In any case, we should focus our criticism on the bigger and worse offender: the Bush regime.
Uri Avnery:
the Israeli Shin Bet now considers democratic political dissent
from the definition of Israel as a "Jewish state" as a
security threat.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Police in India tortured Choles Ritchil to death. Mr Ritchil was a leader of the Garo indigenous people.
Evicting people to make a nature preserve is sometimes necessary, but India needs above all to do a better job of protecting its existing nature preserves.
Bush forces casualties this month are going at the
highest rate in the
four years of the occupation.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
prosecutor firings was part of a scheme to cover up
Bush's rigging of elections by distraction. And the cover-up
resembles the Watergate cover-up.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Everyone: sign the petition demanding that Wolfowitz be fired from the World Bank.
Massachusetts citizens:
Call your state representative and state senator, and say you want them to reject implementation of the federal REAL ID program, because it would turn drivers' licenses into national ID cards and that is too much government power.
(Implementation would also be expensive, but make it clear that's a secondary reason.)
Bush's wars have so drained the army that he hijacked to
conquer Iraq that he has decided to extend tours of duty.
That will not help morale.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Lots of West Point graduates are leaving the army as soon as they can
the highest rate of leaving since the Vietnam war.
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link was broken.]
The weakening of the US Army is a good thing. It is far stronger than it needs to be to face any actual military threats to the US, and any additional strength it has is used for unjust wars on behalf of the corporations our government serves.
There are a number of places in the world where governments oppress people so badly that they justify a war of liberation. They include Darfur, Zimbabwe, and Uzbekistan. (Afghanistan was one of them, but Bush failed to follow through because he really wanted to attack Iraq instead.) But there's no chance Bush would use the army for such a worthy cause. What he wants to do is attack Iran.
Bush has a new plan for sabotaging federal agencies whose job is to
regulate business. It seems to authorize the OB to rewrite reports
produced by agency scientists.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
A PBS program by Bill Moyers shows how the US press
systematically went along with the lies Bush told
to justify his conquest of Iraq.
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link was broken.]
Bush's new
spy chief wants even more power to do surveillance in the US.
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I have a suspicion that "monitoring foreigners...by tapping phones and email accounts" includes tapping the phones and email accounts of US citizens that the foreigners talk with, or might talk with. In other words, absolutely anyone.
Iran is increasingly selling its oil in currencies other than the US dollar.
This may puncture the power of the US.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
If the US loses its ability to borrow from the rest of the world through commerce conducted in dollars, the full weight of the US economic weakness will come home to roost, and the burden will probably fall on ordinary Americans, as the rich people who benefited from the policies which caused this weakness will evade it. Injustice after injustice.
Wolfowitz, installed by Bush as president of the World Bank and disliked by nearly everyone there, is now in trouble for having kept his girlfriend on the payroll.
I don't think the initial situation was actually wrong; I think it is unfair to fire someone because "Your lover just became head of the organization." On the other hand, the World Bank / State Department shuffle that they set up to disguise the situation cannot be excused at all.
The FBI's focus on terrorism leaves it
short-handed for dealing with swindlers.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
How convenient for Bush's cronies.
A group of scientists and 9/11 victims' relatives have asked the NIST to for corrections in its report on the collapse of the WTC towers.
John Pilger:
Iran may be the greatest crisis of modern times.
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Iranian diplomat Jalal Sharafi, who was kidnapped early this year and
released just before Iran released the British
Bush forces personnel,
says that while a captive he was tortured by CIA agents.
His body bears witness to this.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Speaker Pelosi's visit to Syria
threatens to undermine Bush's desire
to isolate Syria just as Speaker Wright's discussions with Nicaraguan
President Orgeta brought an end to Reagan's policy of arming the Contras
to try to overthrow him.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Jimmy Carter praises her visit.
April 28, National Impeachment Protest Day
April 23-27, wear clothing, buttons, stickers that say "Impeach!"
Tigers are
on the way to extinction, because the government of India
has failed to protect them.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Iran announced that it has begun large-scale nuclear enrichment. President Ahmadinejad says that if Iran is threatened it will pull out of the treaties that block it from producing uranium for nuclear weapons. Iran is not close to building a nuclear bomb -- and due to the IAEA supervision it has accepted, it can't even start preparing uranium to make bombs unless it first rejects that supervision.
If it is true that Iran trains Iraqi resistance fighters, that is not
surprising, since the
CIA funds groups that carry out terrorist attacks in Iran.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
If Bush is serious about punishing terrorists and their supporters, he should start with himself.
The antivehicle mines used by the Iraqi Resistance produce shock waves that can cause brain injuries in people who are not visibly injured.
One can compare the unseen effects of TBI from the resistance's IEDs with the unseen effect of radiation from the Bush forces' DU (dirty uranium) weapons, or the unseen effect of standing in "stress positions" for hours or being denied sleep for days.
The official story is that Martin Luther King Jr. was killed by James
Earl Ray, acting on his own for no particular reason. King's relatives
do not believe this story, and in 1998 they won a wrongful death suit
against others who admitted to conspiring to kill King.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Supporting evidence about this conspiracy.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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In the US: participate in the national day of action against climate change.
Find local actions near you.
Citizens of the EU:
Phone or write your members of the European Parliament to demand changes "Intellectual Property Rights" Enforcement Directive #2, which threatens to criminalize many sorts software and deputize entertainment companies as enforcement police.
You can tell that this directive is bad just from its name. The term "intellectual property" lumps together laws that have very little in common, and views all of them from the wrong perspective: that of privilege holders, not that of the public. If a law is written based on such confused goals, only monumental luck can make it good. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/not-ipr.html for more explanation.
Rejecting the directive outright would be even better than changing it.
Bush's "war on terrorism"
includes releasing terrorist Luis Posada on bail.
Venezuela is seeking to extradite him so as to try him
for the bombing of a Cuban airliner.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Legal scholar and professor emeritus Walter Murphy
has been placed on the "no fly" list
for criticizing Bush.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The "authorities" will probably not admit that that was the reason for putting Murphy on the list. But since they refuse to justify what they do, we are entitled to judge them based on surmise.
Proposal: put a warning on ads for air travel: "flying causes climate change".
Al Jazeera stands firm for freedom of the press,
despite murder and imprisonment of its correspondents
by the Bush regime.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Israeli prisons
regularly torture Palestinians 16 years old,
and sometimes down to 14 years, just the way they torture adults.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Over half of the tropical coral reefs for which data is recorded are
degraded by overfishing.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Cheney is trying
once again to claim that Saddam Hussein worked
with Al Qa'ida.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
B'liar is planning to keep troops in the Bush forces for 5 years.
A substantial new nature reserve established in Indonesia provides hope for preservation of hundreds of bird and mammal species. However, this is a small fraction of Indonesia's forests, and the overall forest situation in Indonesia remains bleak.
The porbeagle shark has been so nearly wiped out by fishing that the EU decided it could not deserve to be protected.
Ecuador's President Correa has won a confrontation with Congress, permitting the referendum for a new constitutional convention to go forward.
A coming UN report will detail the many threats to humanity and the natural world if we don't cut the CO2 emissions.
Israel took a Palestinian mother hostage to pressure her sons into
making a confession.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
If they do make a confession, we won't know whether it is true or false, but Israel will surely present it as truth.
Israel's retired chief interrogator
proudly discussed his torture techniques in an interview. As he pulled
the life support tubes out of a wounded Palestinian in the hospital, the
doctor willingly turned his back.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Bassam Amin is a Palestinian nonviolent activist. His 10 year old
daughter Abir was shot and killed from behind by an Israeli soldier
this year. The Israeli "authorities" lied about it in the usual way.
This article is by Bassam's Israeli colleague.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
300 residents of a Palestinian refugee camp near Jerusalem have been
made refugees a second time; Israel has declared their homes illegal.
This is a common practice of the occupation.
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link was broken.]
As violence rages in Darfur,
the B'liar regime wants to deport Darfuris back to Sudan. A judge blocked
these deportations, but the government plans to appeal the decision.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Bank of Credit and Commerce International, set up by the CIA
under Bush I, provides the missing
link between Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. It funded them both, in
the 1980s.
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link was broken.]
For Bush, sabotaging prosecutors who are willing to apply laws that hurt Bush's cronies is nothing new. He did it as governor of Texas.
The Guardian gives the story behind the Iranian capture and release of British sailors in the Bush forces, and the negotiations involved.
Amnesty International says the prison in Guantanamo is even nastier than before.
A whole town in Australia was poisoned by a lead mine, but even after all
the birds died, the authorities insisted nothing was wrong.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
This sort of thing happens when governments value big businesses above the citizens, which is common with today's sick democracy.
Making ethanol fuel from straw instead of corn may be on the verge of
commercial feasibility. But it is not quite certain.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Bush told the EPA to claim that it has no authority to regulate
CO2 pollution. The Supreme Court ruled that it can.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
However, as long as Bush is in charge, he will probably not let the EPA really do anything.
Canada, Eritrea and Sweden are pressing Ethiopia for information
about their citizens among the hundreds that Ethiopia holds prisoner secretly
on behalf of the Bush regime.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
At least one US citizen is believed to be among these prisoners, but his government won't do anything for him.
Democrats in Congress decided not to refer to the "war on terrorism" in
the military budget.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
This change is both correct and important. Since terrorism is a tactic, not a movement or a people or a nation, the idea of fighting a war "against terrorism" is basically absurd. It is not good to endorse absurdities, in laws or anywhere else.
Meanwhile, Bush uses that expression to keep Americans scared, so that they will support measures that hurt themselves or others. Cutting down this practice is very important.
Thailand has "banned" YouTube for a video that insults Thailand's king. So YouTube (a product of Google) says it will implement a special feature so Thailand can block just those videos.
That's not what I would call resolute defense of freedom of speech.
A setback for theocratic Christians: Bush's
anti-birth-control appointee to family-planning post has resigned!
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Mugabe's thugs are killing and maiming journalists -- including the one believed to have smuggled out footage of opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai.
US Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal of the Guantanamo prisoners
who have been denied due process -- for now.
It left open the possibility of hearing the case later.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
MoveOn's founders explain why they supported the flawed Democratic bill that sets a time limit for removing the Bush forces from Iraq. It's not what they really want, but it is progress.
Veterans for Peace is organizing US military personnel (some of whom
have actually participated in the
Bush forces) to call on Congress to
end the occupation.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The US-backed Afghan government is preparing a press censorship law.
Continuing the War on Integrity, Bush wants to appoint three officials to control pollution who have represented the polluters they would be supposed to regulate.
The Iraq withdrawal bill passed by Democrats in Congress states
various conditions for the Bush forces to remain for more than a few
One shameful condition is passage of the law that would hand
over Iraq's oil to western oil companies.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
An Australian who briefly fought for the Taliban in Afghanistan, and
was held in Guantanamo and described by the Bushmen as "the worst of
the worst", is to be
sent to Australia for 9 months imprisonment.
This proves that the US does not really consider him much of a threat.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Part of the deal is that he cannot tell what was done to him in Guantanamo for a year. This is to help the Bush-supporting government of Australia in the next Australian election.
Bush and the US Congress are going to fight it out
over pulling the Bush forces combat troops out if Iraq.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Democrats in Congress are in a weak position because they don't dare criticize Bush as he deserves to be criticized.
The UK has some 4 million TV cameras watching people in public. Most of them perform surveillance, but some are used to scold people immediately for fighting and littering.
I don't much mind TV cameras when the limit of what they do is enable someone to watch for fighting, littering or theft. They become a threat to freedom when they are used to make permanent records of where people go. Many of the cameras in the UK are doing just that: the police aim to record all car travel.
UK resident Mahmoud Abu Rideh has won a court battle against a "control order" which greatly denied his freedom even though he was never charged with a crime.
I would like to find out what the new control order says.
Everyone: sign the petition to Bush to close the Guantanamo prison, and give every prisoner either freedom or a fair trial.
The Bush forces
tried in January to capture Iranian diplomatic
envoys that had gone to Iraq to meet with Iraqi and Kurdish officials.
They captured only underlings, but angered Iran enough to spur
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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Iran's retaliation showed restraint, since it captured military personnel that had arguably entered Iranian waters without permission.
Iran said recently that the
Bush forces
will allow its representatives
to meet with the Iranians captured in January.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The EU's carbon trading scheme is
failing to curb emissions from big
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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It seems to be yet another case of the subservience of government to business.
If our governments don't find the will to stand up to business and impose major cuts in their emissions, the rich people that own the large businesses will buy their way out of the resulting problems -- but that will be impossible for everyone else.
New Mexico has passed a law saying that the state must supply marijuana to sick people that need it.
In other states, which have authorized sick people to grow their own marijuana, the federal government sometimes arrests them. I wonder what it will do in New Mexico.
US citizens: send a comment to the Fish and Wildlife Service in support of listing the polar bear as an endangered species.
Henry Kissinger says that victory for the
Bush forces is impossible.
He also hints at a solution along the lines previously suggested
here, in cooperation with neighboring countries.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
No plan that is based on establishing permanent control of Iraq will be accepted by the Iraqi people.
Iraq veterans who oppose the war showed Americans what it's like to be occupied by the Bush forces -- with street theater in Washington DC.
The Taliban executed three Afghans for giving information to NATO forces.
They want Afghans to regard those three as traitors.
If Afghans do see it that way, NATO cannot possibly win.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Maoist rebels have joined Nepal's government, to prepare for a vote on abolishing the monarchy.
Hussam Shaheen, a Palestinian nonviolent peace activist, was arrested
by Israel for a protest chant, and
faces 24 years imprisonment.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Participate in the world-wide demonstrations June 5 for and end to the occupation of Palestine. "Two peoples, two states, one peace."
former prisoner in Guantanamo is now running for parliament
in Australia, to spread awareness of torture.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Uncivilized Iran humiliates its Bush forces prisoners, because it fails to apply the latest Bush regime norms. (By Monty Python.)
report perhaps coming from Russian intelligence says that
Bush is planning to attack Iran on April 6.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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There is speculation that the Iranian capture of some British members of the Bush forces may have been intended to prevent an attack.
A foreign resident of Thailand has been sentenced to 10 years in
prison for
spray painting over pictures of the king.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Nobody has a right not to be criticized -- not a king, not a prophet. Nobody.
Heavy fighting has broken out in Mogadishu between the Ethiopian
troops and the Islamists.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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Lots of people predicted this would happen.
After the US released some Russian citizens from torture in Guantanamo, it sent them back to Russia, where some have been tortured into confessing crimes.
Russian officials gave diplomatic assurances that it wouldn't do this, but I am sure they knew that the Bush regime would wink at noncompliance. This is why diplomatic assurances that "we won't torture them", coming from a regime that regularly practices torture, are worthless.
San Francisco is moving to ban plastic shopping bags from supermarkets and drugstore chains. Paper bags are made from cutting trees, it is true, but these trees are renewable resources.
US citizens: express your opposition to "fast track" authority for new "free trade" agreements.
Also please phone or write your senators and congresscritter about this.
The UK's CO2 emissions are soaring, showing that all of B'liar's talk about reducing them is just B'lies.
B'liar's government plans to reverse its US-imitating policy of more and longer prison sentences, and aim for rehabilitation instead.
Remember the cute baby seals that were killed in Canada for their fur?
Thanks to global warming, all the baby seals in the Gulf of St
Lawrence died this year. This problem, together with several years of
unsustainable hunting, has devastated the population.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
But Canada will allow hunting there anyway.
The other populations of these seals are not yet affected by the warming, but they will be in the future. Global warming is leading to the elimination of permanent ice in the arctic, and this could cause the species' extinction -- along with that of polar bears.
In Denmark, anyone found near a protest can be arrested, and is
considered guilty unless proved innocent.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
As the Amazon rainforest is cut down for soybean production, often
illegally, the shutdown of an export terminal
could be a substantial victory,
if it is not reversed.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
RFIDs are being
secretly snuck into many products,
including credit cards. You can detect them with an
RFID detector,
you can smash them with a hammer.
[References updated on 2018-04-18 because the
were broken.]
Bisher al-Rawi, who has been imprisoned in Guantanamo for 5 years despite having worked for British Intelligence, may be released to return to the UK.
The UK government for a long time refused to even try to get him out.
A joint committee of MPs concluded that the
UK's asylum system is "inhumane".
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Mugabe's police are arresting large number of the opposition in
Zimbabwe, and beating them up just out of spite. Others in his own
party seems to be looking for a way to get rid of him.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The US mass media repeatedly and systematically attacked Gore using false and distorted quotations. They accused him of "lying" for words he didn't say.
I don't support Gore, and I didn't in 2000, because he bows down to big business almost as much as Republicans do. He supports antidemocratic "free trade" treaties. When he was vice president, he tried to pressure South Africa not to authorize licenses for generic medicines for AIDS -- acting, in effect, on behalf of the drug companies. (Nowadays the Bush regime does the same thing.)
However, Gore's real faults don't make the media's dishonest campaign against him any more excusable. It was in no way based on Gore's real shortcomings. It was simple character assassination. I would expect it was planned by the executives of the media companies, who know which candidate they favor.
Gore is not the only victim of this. Remember how Howard Dean was attacked, when he was the front runner for the Democratic nomination, by playing his shout of victory in a distorted way? He had recently criticized media concentration, so the media lied about him nonverbally.
I can testify myself to the arrogance of reporters. Many of them insist on calling the GNU system "Linux", and present the shallowest of reasons to justify this unfairness -- and then they expect me to be desperate for their attention.
Many US sources support Iran's contention that the
US is already engaged in acts of war against Iran.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Massachusetts residents: contact your state senator and state representative to support SB 1011, SB 944, and HB 2247. These bills would reduce penalties for possession of marijuana.
As the Amazon rainforest is cut down for soybean production, often
the shutdown of an export terminal could be a substantial victory-- if it
is not reversed.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The US Senate joined the House in passing a requirement to remove
the Bush forces
from Iraq. But it lacks the binding deadline
of the House bill.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
These bills are not what ought to be done. What ought to be done is to pull out all the troops, without delay. Nonetheless, they are much better than nothing, as evinced by Dubya's reaction.
It is interesting to analyze the fallacious Bush responses -- all based on trying to confuse the issue.
B'liar says the captured Bush forces marines and sailors were in Iraqi waters. This article argues that, although no one can be sure, it is more plausible that that location constitutes Iranian waters.
However, the Iranians could have just told those Bush forces personnel to leave. That they did something more serious might be a response to threats of war, undercover forces infiltrating, terror attacks, etc.
Former Congressman Bob Barr, former extreme prohibitionist, is
now lobbying for the Marijuana Policy Project to end federal
anti-marijuana activity.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Bangladesh is being affected by climate change in many disastrous ways.
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Darfur aid relief 'close to collapse', UN chief warns.
When businesses face criticism for mistreating the environment or
the public, they have a
large toolbox of arguments they use,
whether valid or not, to deflect pressure for regulation.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Japanese Prime Minister Abe made an inadequate apology to the women that the Japanese Army used as prostitutes. not recognizing that the Army forced them into this.
In Indonesia, the Japanese occupiers convinced families to send their teenage daughters for "education in Japan", but the ships took them to military zones where they were forced to act as prostitutes. After the war, those who survived were too ashamed to try to go home. Pramodya Ananta Toer encountered some of them while a political prisoner, and later collected testimony which shows how widespread and systematic this practice was.
Everyone: Sign this petition asking Israeli and Palestinian leaders to make real peace their goal.
The Bush regime has decided to reinterpret the Endangered Species
so as to negate much of its effect.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
highly respected Spanish judge who has been involved with the trials
of many important terrorists, has called for war crimes charges to be
filed against Bush, B'liar,
and their former Spanish supporter, Aznar.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Bush regime intentionally sabotaged the DOJ's case against the big tobacco companies.
Native groups from Alaska have joined many others to
ask Congress to put limits on CO2 emission.
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link was broken.]
A large coal company is lobbying to replace that with research on "clean coal" technology--research which might, perhaps, provide an acceptable alternative. An absurd idea.
What it is like for Iraqi refugees fleeing to Syria.
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The New York Times published a picture of threatening message from a wall in Baghdad. This article claims that the message must have been written by someone that didn't really speak Arabic.
EU may try again to write a constitution (without using that
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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With current political leadership, no good can be expected from this. The proposed constitution enshrined the power of business, and they are likely to try that again.
A US lawsuit accusing Rumsfeld of presiding over the torture of prisoners was thrown out on the grounds that the prisoners have no right to sue.
A system that refuses to hold officials that allow torture responsible for their actions is a system that endorses torture.
After The Lancet published a study estimating that the invasion of
Iraq had caused the violent deaths of 600,000 Iraqis,
scientific advisors told him that the study's analysis was valid.
B'liar and his men
then told the public that the report was invalid.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The B'liar regime has still not admitted the truth. I have read elsewhere that the BBC used the Freedom of Information act to find out what the advisors said. No wonder B'liar wants to destroy the Freedom of Information act.
For more information
see here.
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link was broken.]
In Ulster, the
leaders of the Catholics and Protestants have made real peace,
and now will go into government together.
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link was broken.]
The Bush forces use around 50,000 private mercenaries in addition to the soldiers who are officially soldiers. Around 800 have been killed, but they are not included in the casualty lists. Since military regulations do not apply, it is hard to get any information about them.
Mugabe has imposed
a state of emergency, sending police hit squads
against opposition leaders.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Somalis who fled to Kenya were
by the US and then flown to secret prisons
in undisclosed locations.
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link was broken.]
Iran captured
some Bush forces marines and sailors who were inspecting
a civilian ship.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Iran says they were in Iranian waters, while B'liar says no. Neither side can be trusted, though.
double standard: Iran and the US.
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The government of Iran is no champion of human rights either; it arrests people without trial and sometimes tortures them. However, it has not started wars of aggression.
Iran's democracy is rather limited, since elected officials can be overruled by the mullahs, and candidates cannot even run without their approval. The US' democracy is rather limited, since elected officials can be overruled by the "free trade" treaties that transfer power from the state to business, and candidates have little chance of winning national office without support from business.
Former Bush forces Sergeant Provance, who was gagged when he tried to push the Abu Ghraib torture investigation to the higher ups that instigated the torture, reports on what he saw at a screening of "Ghosts of Abu Ghraib": Senator Lindsey Graham openly endorsed torture.
The governors of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Republicans of course,
are planning
to rob the treasury by privatizing the turnpikes.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
After opposition activist Tendayi Goneso fled Zimbabwe, the police killed his wife because they couldn't get him. Now, as Mugabe's rule heads for absolute cruelty, the UK seems to be preparing to deport him back to Zimbabwe.
That site has badly designed HTML; you may need to go to the 18th article by hand.
Uri Avnery: Palestinian school textbooks
don't recognize
Israel and its frontiers. And Israeli school textbooks don't recognize
Palestine and its frontiers -- so they are even.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Genetically modified crops
be responsible for wiping out bee populations.
They don't kill bees directly, but seem to destroy their
immune systems.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Dr. Hansen testified to Congress about
how NASA gagged him.
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The orders were given verbally so as to be able to deny they were given.
It appears that Khalid Sheik Mohammed was tortured into false
confessions--like many other Guantanamo prisoners. Even worse,
Senator Lindsay Graham knew about the torture of Khalid Sheik
Mohammed, and did nothing to stop it.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The US House of Representatives approved a law requiring combat troops
from the US to be withdrawn from the
Bush forces, by September 2008.
But this doesn't include all the troops in the Bush forces, so it
doesn't really require a withdrawal, or an end of the occupation and
colonization of Iraq.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Israeli police had arrested a Palestinian, without charges of
To put pressure on him, they humiliated his family and made
them pretend to be prisoners.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Congressional democrats have backed down on plans to block Bush from attacking Iran, thus in effect consenting to a war at any time.
US citizens: Sign Public Citizen's petition to restore the right of Habeas Corpus.
Congressional democrats have backed down on plans to block Bush from attacking Iran -- obeying AIPAC over the objections of most American Jews.
Belgium has passed a law banned Dirty Uranium shells and armor. After
two years, the US will not be allowed to bring such weapons into
Belgium or ship them through Antwerp.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Dubya's War on Integrity continues
one that was started by Reagan.
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One point that this article does not mention is Reagan's destruction of anti-trust law, which was only partly reversed by Clinton. This, together with the transfer of power to large companies brought about by Clinton's "free trade" treaties, has made the general political situation much worse for progressives in a long-term way.
US voters: write to your congresspeople and senators to oppose the Feinstein's PERFORM act, which is intended to impose mandatory DRM on music on the internet.
In the Siria Valley of Honduras,
a gold mine takes all the water,
so that poor people have to buy water to drink. The government
hardly taxes the mine at all, so they get very little in exchange
for the loss of their water.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Birds in the US are
staying north for the winter -- possibly due to
global warming.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
An Italian journalist,
held by the Taliban as a spy for two weeks when
he sought an interview, tells a story of bloody cruelty alternating
with hospitality. Before the Taliban decided he was a journalist and
let him go, they beheaded his driver.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Later it was revealed that the journalist had been
exchanged for Taliban prisoners.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
occasions when FBI has got personal information
beyond even the weak limits of the U SAP AT RIOT Act
may number 3,000, and 600 of the cases may be flagrantly illegal.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
This does not count the times when the U SAP AT RIOT Act legally authorized the FBI to trample our rights. They number almost 1000 a week.
Gordon Drown announced plans to cut taxes on some low-paid workers, but increase taxes on the lowest-paid workers.
What poor people need is not a tax cut (assuming their taxes are fairly low already), but rather increased social services paid for by taxing the rich.
Uddhav Bhandari, who fled to the UK from Nepal after exposing police corruption there, went to a hearing that could have decided to deport him back to Nepal. Rather than plead his case, he set himself on fire and died.
Refugees like Bhandari should not have to fear deportation. Shame on the UK!
Proyecto Varela is a campaign for human rights in Cuba. Oswaldo Payá obtained more than 10,000 signatures on a petition for a referendum for basic freedoms, such as freedom of the press and association, and release of political prisoners. According to the Cuban constitution, that means the referendum must be held -- but it has not been.
Payá seeks peaceful reconciliation among Cubans, and wants to preserve the achievements of the Cuban revolution (health care, education, elimination of extreme poverty, and independence from the US and multinational business). As a result, the right-wing Cuban exiles in Miami don't like him either.
Most reports say that Castro regime holds 284 people prisoner without trial in Cuba, but the last reliable figures are from late 2005: 70 political prisoners.
The bulk of the prisoners held without trial in Cuba -- almost 400 -- are not held by Castro's government. They are prisoners of the Bush regime, in Guantanamo.
All of these prisoners, whichever government holds them, deserve to be freed, or given fair trials.
A Bush official who came from the oil business made hundreds of changes in US government reports, all to deny global warming.
Even more disgusting,
some Republicans in Congress support it.
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link was broken.]
I disagree, however, with the accusation that Cooney acted out of loyalty to Bush, who had appointed him. I would say that Cooney continued was working for the oil companies once he was nominally working for the US government -- just like Bush and Cheney.
Four years after Bush's invasion, Iraq is a blood-drenched disaster.
A rare journalistic visit outside Baghdad shows the level of violence
in the rest of Iraq, and how little the
Bush forces (whether nominally
American or Iraqi) can do about it.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Congressional democrats are trying to reverse part of the Bush regime's policy of secrecy.
Supermarkets in Venezuela have been
pushing up prices of basic foodstuffs--doubling
them in some cases. Chavez told them that if they
do this, they will be nationalized.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Price controls have a tendency to cause shortages, so they may be part of the cause of the problem. However, businesses that take advantage of such situations with speculation are not innocent. Nonetheless, I would probably prefer to break up the big supermarket chains, introducing more competition, rather than control prices.
Zimbabwe's dictator is arresting opposition leaders as they try to leave
the country.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens: call your congresscritter to ask him/her to support a binding time limit for removing the Bush forces from Iraq-- and the sooner the limit, the better. Also say you support the proposed Lee Amendment to shorten the timetable.
Everyone: sign the petition for stronger sanctions against Mugabe.
The opposition has walked out of the Egyptian parliament in protest against new laws to suppress political opposition.
Professor Zimbardo,
past president of the American Psychology Association,
says that torture in Bush's prisons resulted from
a system that encourages it, and that Bush should be tried for
war crimes.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Hear, hear!
A secret Bush regime plan, written for the State Department by oil company executives, called for using the occupation of Iraq to raise the price of oil, so as to make a windfall for the oil companies.
A high oil price promotes conservation, so in itself it is good. But it ought to be accompanied by a windfall profits tax, so that the windfall goes to the treasury and not to Bush's cronies. However, that's not what Bush would want. Enriching his cronies is his aim.
Tony B'liar
someday face trial in the International Criminal Court for the
crime of starting the war in Iraq.
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link was broken.]
A court ruled in favor of prosecution on drug charges of a sick woman, whose doctors say only marijuana can keep her alive. If she is convicted and sentenced to prison, it would amount to a death sentence with a very painful method of execution.
Two activists who vocally supported Palestinian rights in the 1980s
have been persecuted by the US government for 20 years. When judges dismiss
charges, the US government files new charges.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
They have just won dismissal of the charges against them, but will Bush allow that to stick?
The nuclear power industry has hired
spokesmen formerly associated with the environmental movement,
and presents them
as environmentalists for nuclear power.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Bush regime says that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has confessed planning the 9/11 attacks in the US and other terrorist attacks.
Since this confession was presented in a secret trial, we have no way of telling whether he really confessed at all. If he did, we cannot be sure the confession is true. Torture will make people confess to crimes they did not commit, and we know he was tortured.
Beyond general suspicion, there is evidence that this confession is
not true: he confessed to planning to bomb a bank which was founded
only after he was captured.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Bush regime continues to torture prisoners, in Iraq as well as in Guantanamo.
Bush deserves a fair trial before he is imprisoned for this. And he should not be tortured.
Police in Pakistan rampaged through a newspaper and TV station's office, to stop them from showing videos of protests.
A statement by the organization attacked.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The old Union Carbide plant in Bhopal is poisoning the public again.
The Indian government is ignoring its own laws and court judgment by
failing to supply them with potable water.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
A new Palestinian national unity government might end the fighting between Hamas and Fatah. It has also won recognition from Norway.
The conditions that the US and EU demand of the Palestinians would be fair if they were demanded also of Israel. Israel must recognize the existence and territorial integrity of Palestine in exchange for a similar recognition from Palestine. And it makes no sense to demand that Palestinians end their rather small level of violence without demanding that Israel end its much greater level of violence.
is planning to move to Dubai, apparently so as to thwart investigation
of how it robbed the US treasury with Cheney's help.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Zimbabwean opposition leader Tsvangirai points to the injuries from his beating in prison to galvanize opposition.
Chiquita Banana funded paramilitaries in Colombia, and shipped arms to them. They killed union organizers, which Chiquita must have found useful. Eventually Chiquita informed the Bush regime, and continued supporting the paramilitaries for almost a year after.
The article says Chiquita sold its Colombian subsidiary, but I wonder what relationship they continue to have. Perhaps it is enough relationship that Chiquita remains morally responsible for its current conduct, though I do not know.
Compare this with the world-wide boycott of Coca Cola Company for using paramilitaries to kill union organizers in Colombia.
The US is now spending
over a trillion dollars a year on security, defense, and offensive war.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
UN investigators place the responsibility for massacres in Darfur
squarely on the government of Sudan.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Torture Gonzales is in political trouble for the political firing of
US attorneys that had too much integrity.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Gonzalez was operating on orders from Harriet Miers, a close aide of Bush.
It seems plausible that Miers discussed this with Bush, even though we have no proof yet. But even if he did not specifically approve this plan, he is responsible for it, because it comes out of the general climate of corruption created by his War on Integrity.
A Sikh faces jail in India for 'singing about human rights'.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
In a wealthy area of Sao Paulo, poor squatters who live in an abandoned
building wait to be evicted.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
They are squatting because they are poor, not on principle. They would surely be happy to be bought out for a price that would be small potatoes to the rich people that want to use the site. Their refusal to pay that amount just reinforces the nastiness of their greed.
An Iranian blogger who was arrested for reporting on a police raid has been freed -- but other human rights activists have been arrested.
I've seen reports that the US does support violent separatist groups in Iran. And the US does have a practice of feeding money to opposition groups even in democratic countries, for motives that have nothing to do with human rights. This is a disaster for human rights workers, since it means that US funds are tainted.
has put forward a bill setting up a framework for
major reductions in CO2 emissions in the UK. However,
lacks the penalty provisions necessary to make sure it is enforced,
and doesn't spell out policies to reach the targets.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Pakistan's ruler Musharraf has arrested the chief judge, who was taking his job too seriously in a case about hundreds of human rights activists that have been disappeared, Bush-style. Lawyers protested this, and were attacked by policemen, receiving the treatment usually reserved for poor and unprestigious people that protest.
B'liar's callous response to
greater poverty in the UK compared with the rest of Europe
is to reduce aid to the poor.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Bush forces
soldiers accused of beating prisoner Baha Musa to
death have been all acquitted. No one will be punished for his
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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A colonel was acquitted based on evidence that higher officers had approved the forms of violence that killed Baha Musa. "Just following orders" is not supposed to be an excuse!
Another Bush forces soldier testified that his commander ordered him to kill prisoners, then create fake evidence of a struggle.
What this means is that the Bush forces can murder civilians with impunity, and can establish policies that encourage such murder with impunity.
Amnesty International reports on how the paramilitaries
of Colombia have built corrupted much of Colombian society.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
These paramilitaries were supported by the Colombian government which was in turn supported by the US government.
Companies are paying thousands of bloggers to promote products and not admit it is paid advertising.
Australian mining companies are using copyright law to suppress satirical criticism of their policies.
Rite Aid drugs works closely with the tobacco companies and lobbies against measures to reduce smoking. So when the American Heart Association cooperate with Rite Aid, is that honest?
To me, it is an instance of the systematic corruption of civic institutions in the US by corporate money.
Serbs were not the only ones to commit acts of brutality in
Kosovo. After the Albanian Kosovars won,
they more or less chased out the Serbs.
The former leader of the KLA is now accused of ethnic cleansing.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
(I think that it was less bad to have the Serb minority chased out than to have them oppressing the Albanian majority. So the de-facto independence of Kosovo was a good thing. But this does not justify mistreating unarmed Serbs.)
We all know how Wal-Mart mistreats its own workers, but that's just
the tip of the iceberg of the harm it does. Through its size, it
compels producers to run sweatshops,
making Wal-Mart a substantial producer of poverty world-wide.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
As captive women raped and used as prostitutes by Japanese troops
increasingly speak out to condemn what was done to them,
the Prime Minister of Japan is lying to deny it.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
China's report on human rights in the US.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
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The first section, about levels of violent crime not committed by the government, seems like a side issue to me; go past that to see the real meat of the report.
Isn't it a shame that the US has sunk so low that it is no longer in a position to criticize China?
Indians like Harriett Nahanee aren't the only people trying to stop British Columbia from building a new highway and destroying rare ecosystems.
Police in Tacoma violently attacked a nonviolent protest against the embarkation of army combat vehicles to join the Bush forces in occupation of Iraq. The protestors are undeterred.
Police in the US must decide whether to serve the people or the traitor in the White House.
Please do not look at the videos on YouTube, because you would have to install a non-free program (the Flash player) to do that, and installing non-free software is not ethical. I am unhappy with the fact that some of my speeches have been posted on YouTube, where they act as inducement for people to do exactly the thing I believe they should not do.
I hope to write to the people who run the indybay site and ask them to post videos on their own site rather than on YouTube.
Bush's "Iraqi government" has arrested the woman who accused three "Iraqi policemen" of rape.
This reflects the junction of the civil war with the Islamic attitude towards women: that they are men's property. It is the same attitude that shows itself when women are murdered by male relatives who believe the woman has damaged her value to them by choosing her own lover.
The latest UN treaty, the International Convention for the Protection
of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, commits governments not to
keep prisoners secretly or in secret prisons. Of course, such bastions
of liberty as
the US and the UK did not sign it.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The FBI has often misused the warrantless surveillance powers that
were given to it by the U SAP AT RIOT Act, says a DOJ investigator who
reviewed FBI practices. That law gives the police power that cannot
be allowed in a democracy, but even that wasn't enough to satisfy them.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Bush regime tried to avoid having such reviews, so that we would not find out about this.
Iraq's ancient minority groups are being
systematically driven into exile.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Israel planned last summer's invasion of Lebanon in advance, and
planned to use the capture of some Israeli soldiers (whenever that should
happen) as an excuse. Avnery draws an interesting conclusion: that these
events refute the theory that Israel controls US foreign policy. However,
lobbyists are pretty effective at stopping US politicians from criticizing
the occupation.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Many US citizens are being denied Medicaid payments due to a new
requirement to prove one's citizenship.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Taliban claims the kidnapped Italian reporter was spying for Britain.
I wonder if they tortured him to get this confession.
Bush is touring Latin America -- mostly countries whose governments are subservient -- hoping that promises to "pay more attention" to the region will win support.
Note the deception embodied in presenting the issue as one of how much attention the US pays or will pay to Latin America: it assumes that such attention is beneficial, which is contrary to the facts.
But the people of these countries are not fooled.
Another Russian journalist has been murdered (though it's supposed to be suicide, if you believe that).
Global warming is causing many animals in the UK to be born weeks
too early, which can endanger them.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
And this is just the beginning of what will happen.
Human production of CO2 is not just heating up the atmosphere. It also makes the ocean more acidic, and this has unpredictable effects on life and chemistry in the ocean.
Bush's "temporary surge" is turning into a permanent increase.
Who would ever expect Bush to tell the truth?
Turkey's liberal intellectuals have been silenced by a nationalist
campaign of prosecution and murder.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The city of Copenhagen evicted and tore down a youth center which was originally a squat, but later was authorized.
The city cannot justify this on the fact that the building had been sold to a church, because selling it and providing no replacement was the initial wrong, and it was the city's fault.
American life directs most Americans into permanent debt that they will find it hard ever to escape from.
As part of Bush's plan to reduce US attorneys to slavish obedience, he appointed a man who helped Bush steal the 2004 election, using a scheme to systematically disenfranchise Black voters who are homeless, away at school, or in the armed forces.
Greg Palast argues that this scheme was a felony: this man should be a defendant, not a prosecutor.
Amnesty International denounces the UK for deporting people to
deporting people to countries where they are likely to be tortured.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
B'liar justifies this on the strength of formal assurances from those governments that they won't torture these people -- but those governments are well aware that B'liar would rather help them cover up such torture than take them to task for it.
Scooter Libby, Cheney's former aide, has been convicted on several
charges, taking the fall to protect Cheney from something (and conceal
from us what that something is). People suspect that Bush will
eventually pardon him.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The US needs a constitutional amendment to prevent presidents from pardoning people that commit crimes on their behalf.
US forces tried to bomb Taliban fighters in a village, and killed
a family instead.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Yes, it was dirty of the Taliban to retreat into a village, but the US forces have to learn that, unfair as it may seem to them, they must not bomb the village when that happens.
Hamas removed a book of Palestinian folk tales from Palestinian schools
because it talks about sex. Other Palestinians have protested this.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The success of Hamas is due to its refusal to accept the occupation. The harm done by Hamas' imposition of strict religious standards is therefore indirectly due to the occupation. (Hamas was originally built up by Israel in order to weaken the PLO.)
The UK Royal Society for the Arts condemned drug prohibition as "driven by moral panic", based on a prejudice against drugs other than tobacco and alcohol which often are safer than them.
The Bush regime has a
pervasive policy about journalists talking with soldiers:
positive stories only!
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
10 ways that US-style sprawl development is harmful.
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I could add that low-density living makes it hard for buses and trains to work well, condemning people to dependence on cars, which means more energy use, more likelihood of wars over oil, etc.
Some environmental-minded investors
bought out a company that was planning to build 11 new coal-fired power plants,
and killed 8 of them.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Only 4% of those arrested under the UK's "anti-terror laws" has been
charged with anything.
Clearly the laws are being used for fishing expeditions
(as well as to suppress protests).
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Bush would have pushed that percentage up higher, by framing the people arrested by mistake, or kidnapping them and not reporting it.
major international campaign is starting to study the
melting of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
men arrested filming the attacks on the World Trade Center
appeared to be Israeli spies. It looks like they were part of a
network that was monitoring the hijackers, and that maybe they knew
about the attack in advance.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Bush had them released and shut down the investigation into what they were doing.
While Germany issues arrest warrants for the CIA kidnappers of Khaled El-Masri, a US appeals court rejected his lawsuit on the grounds that the relevant evidence is a state secret.
The court explicitly said that the regime can protect any sort of injustice, no matter how egregious, and need not even explain why. It adds up to carte blanche for kidnapping and torture, even murder.
A reporter for Al Jazeera, who has been held prisoner in Guantanamo for 5 years without charges, is being force-fed through the nose after two months on hunger strike.
He says that the Bush regime's agents tortured him when he refused to incriminate Al Jazeera, and that they threatened to harm his children. Standard tactics for tyrants.
The NIH makes reports on chemicals likely to damage human reproductive systems, but outsources this to a consulting company that mostly works for other businesses. Its other employers may be influencing the reports.
There is a systematic pattern that studies of drug effects are less likely to show any problems when the studies are funded by drug companies.
Is this because the funding corrupts the investigators, or is it because the drug companies study "safer bets"?
One approach that might make it unnecessary to answer this question is to put a tax on the sale of patented drugs, and use that money to fund studies of drugs that drug companies want to produce.
An African army is arriving in Somalia, but it doesn't seem to be able to prevent the violence there.
The leader of neighboring Djibuti says that
things are no safer in the region
after the defeat of the Islamic Courts government.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
A mysterious disease is killing honeybees in the US. It has already
killed most of them. This can be a disaster for agriculture.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Iraq's ancient minority groups are being
systematically driven into exile.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Augustin Aguayo, who was sent to the
Bush forces as a medic, was
forced into combat duty despite being a conscientious objector. So he
refused to go to Iraq again. Now he faces 7 years imprisonment.
(He was convicted, I read later.)
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
I do not agree with Aguayo's belief that war is never justified. For instance, because the occupation of Iraq is a crime, fighting against it is justified.
However, the treatment of Mr. Aguayo is a different issue. US laws recognize that people with his views have a right to conscientious objection, and he ought to be allowed that status.
What we are seeing is yet another instance of the Bush regime's pattern of denying people their legal rights.
Harriett Nahanee, an Indian in Canada who protested against plans to
sell off tribal land for a highway, received a two-week prison
sentence. As
she was old and sick, this was a death sentence.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
This article does not say what Harriett was accused of, nor whether she actually did it, nor give us a basis for judging whether it was right or wrong if she did do it. However, sentencing a sick person to prison without what's needed for that person's health cannot be justified by any possible crime.
Killing people this way is done in the US too.
France has passed a law making it a crime for anyone but a professional journalist to photograph an act of violence. This means that police who want to attack someone on the street, perhaps a protester, are protected from video recordings. If someone does catch them in the act, that someone probably won't dare testify.
And anyone making a video of a protest, when the police start attacking the protestors, will also be in danger of imprisonment.
France needs a hero who will defy this law -- and then dare the French government to prosecute him, because by doing so it would prove how evil it is.
Bush is starting diplomatic contacts with Iran over what to do in Iraq.
Maybe it is a step forward.
how the Iraq occupation has stimulated Islamist violence
around the world.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Substituting ethanol for gasoline is creating grave environmental destruction in Brazil, where environmental laws are not enforced. And it is driving up the price of food. People could starve to fill your car's ethanol tank.
US troops in Afghanistan panicked after an attack, and fired at cars and pedestrians just passing by. This has led to big protests.
Such events happen in every war, and especially when a foreign army is involved. The local people will tolerate it if they feel that army is fighting for their cause and doing its best. Otherwise they will tend to turn more and more against the foreign army. It is a dynamic that is almost inevitable.
When Afghan journalists took pictures of the civilian cars that US
troops had destroyed, the
soldiers destroyed the pictures. Then Bush
spokesmen denied that this had been happening, trying to destroy the
news of the destruction.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
This follows the general Bush policy towards unfavorable press: block it.
Israel has blocked Palestinians from fishing in from boats
for most of a year. This exacerbates food shortages in Gaza.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The excuse of blocking communication with Egypt is absurd, since it would be just as easy to patrol further off shore instead.
Harassment of civilians, with an excuse that covers it when you don't look very hard, is standard practice in the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Prominent British Jews who oppose Israel's treatment of the Palestinians have formed a new organization, Independent Jewish Voices.
This breaks the apparent monopoly of an old organization that supports Israel 100% and claims to represent all British Jews.
As the Army Secretary resigns, the Bush regime has decided to go to the root of the veterans care scandal: the ability of wounded soldiers to talk to the press.
Student protestors in Iran were punished by being expelled and drafted into the army.
Faced with an outcry against road taxes based on surveillance,
the UK now proposes: "we won't track which street you are on,
only which part of which city you drive to."
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
That is still too much surveillance.
US citizens: write or phone your congresscritter to support the bill, H. R. 1184, to repeal the law that kicks students out of college for one marijuana cigarette.
The US canceled a deal for North Korean nuclear disarmament in 2002
based on an incorrect US assessment of North Korea's nuclear weapons
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Everyone makes mistakes, but given Bush's propensity to pressure the CIA to tell him what he wants to hear, I have to wonder whether this was something worse than a mistake.
Israeli troops invading Nablus arrested and brutalized lots of young
men --
without bothering to check who they were.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The raid also seized a tiny quantity of weapons.
Israeli Idan Landau comments:
"We also target civilians".
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens: sign the petition to Democratic Party of Nevada saying "Don't deal with Faux News."
In the UK: renew your passport, or get a passport, before April, so as to avoid participating in the national ID scheme.
16 million Americans now live in severe poverty, and the number is growing rapidly.
These statistics say that extreme poverty increased by 1/5
from 2000 to 2005.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Elephant poaching in Africa, formerly under control, has rebounded to
the point where it threatens the survival of some elephant
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Bush plans to make new nuclear warheads, although labeled as "modernization", could encourage other countries to work on them too.
Australian Prime Minister Howard "welcomes" Bush's plan to subject an Australian citizen to an unjust military tribunal.
Which shows how important Australian citizens are in his mind, compared with the US.
A UN ship delivering aid to Somalia has been captured by pirates.
For once, here is an action against piracy which deserves support.
A proposed law in Nigeria would make it a crime to advocate gay rights.
US war resistor Kyle Snyder was
arrested by Canadian police, who said
they were obeying the US Army. He was freed after appeals to the
Canadian government, which had to recognize that the US Army does not
have authority there.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Virginia becomes first US state to apologize for slavery.
For Women's Day,
Iraq will execute some women prisoners
who are accused of connection with the resistance.
They were not allowed to have lawyers in their "trials".
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
Human Rights Watch has identified 38 prisoners that were held in secret CIA prisons, and are now missing. In effect, the US government has disappeared them.
Disregarding arguments that Lt Watada cannot be prosecuted again on the principle of double jeopardy, the Army intends to try. Meanwhile, other soldiers are imprisoned for refusing to fight for Bush, and 8,000 other soldiers have run away to avoid the evil of fighting in Iraq.
These are the troops that deserve our support.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
The Colombian foreign minister has
resigned due to ties with paramilitaries.
[Reference updated on 2018-04-18 because the
link was broken.]
A Sudanese minister has been named by the ICC as a suspect for massacres in Darfur.
The US message to Sudan is undermined by the US's own example, since the US has pressured many countries to agree to exempt US personnel from the ICC.
The planned British pull-out from Iraq may be a deception, since it depends on conditions that quite likely will not be met.
An Egyptian blogger has been sentenced to four years in prison for insulting Islam and President Mubarak.
No person, no idea, and no religion deserves to be illegal to insult, not even the Church of Emacs — and certainly not Islam.
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